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 Get Ready To Rebound
7/31/00 - Mon/Tue
- News Items:
- US Steps Up Pressure on Japan to Call Off Whale Hunt
- Pennsylvania Storms Force Evacuations
- Guest: Diana Fairechild
- Aviation expert and author Diana Fairechild explains how recycled air on planes
contributes to air rage and in spreading infectious diseases like the flu and TB.
Ms. Fairechild discusses what passengers can do to increase the oxygen levels
and reduce exposure to toxic chemicals and infectious agents.
- Website: Healthy Flying
- Book: Jet Smarter: The Air Traveler's Rx
- Book: Noni: Aspirin of the Ancients
- Book: Office Yoga : A Quickie Guide to Staying Balanced and Fit in the Work Environment
- Related Website: All The Major Airlines in The World
- Related Website: FAA Complaint Info and More....
- Airline Info:
7/30/00 - Sun/Mon
- Guest: Millie McGhee
- While studying her family's roots and oral history she was
reminded that FBI chief, J. Edgar Hoover was her cousin. With the aid of a
genealogist she has written her compelling novel,
that not only discloses Hoover's true ancestry, but does so in the form of a
love story - a little-known relationship that existed between some plantation
owners (masters) and their slaves.
- Book: Secrets Uncovered - J. Edgar Hoover Passing for White?
- Website: www.aimpress.com
7/29/00 - Sat/Sun
- Guest: John Holway
- Book: The Baseball Astrologer: And Other Weird Tales
- Book: Red Tails Black Wings: The Men of America's Black Air Force
- Book: Josh Gibson (Black Americans of Achievement)
7/28/00 - Fri/Sat
- Guest: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson, licensed psychologist
- Dr. Johnson had a Bigfoot sighting near the Oregon Caves National Park in
Southern Oregon on July 1, 2000.
- Related Info: Dr. Johnson's Sighting Report
- Related Website: www.sasquatchsite.com
- Related Website: www.audubonportland.org
- Guest: Matt Moneymaker, field investigator
- Guest: Derek Randles, field investigator
7/27/00 - Thu/Fri
- Guest: Stan Tenen
- Tenen, Director of Research of the MERU Foundation, discovered geometric
forms and mathematical symbols in the first verse of Genesis, supporting an
ancient Jewish belief that the Hebrew alphabet is "sacred".
- Book: The Sacred Geometry of Genesis and the Alphabet
- Website: www.meru.org
- Website: www.meetingtent.com
7/26/00 - Wed/Thu
- Guest: Dr. Howard Klein
- Representing the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. One of the
doctors denouncing the Milk ads starring Marc Anthony, Britney Spears, and
other celebrities as being deceptive. They are calling for an FTC
investigation as to whether the National Fluid Mild Processor Promotion Board
and others have disseminated scientifically unsubstantiated, purposefully
deceptive and harmful advertising for milk.
- Website: www.pcrm.org
- Guest: Sylvia Browne
- Book: Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife
- Book: God, Creation and Tools for Life
- Book: The Other Side Of Life: A Discussion on Death, Dying, and the Graduation of the Soul
- Tape: Angels and Spirit Guides
- Tape: Sylvia Browne's Tools for Life
- Book: The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond
- Book: Adventures of a Psychic: The Fascinating Inspiring True-Life Story of One of America's Most Successful Clairvoyants
- Website: www.sylvia.org
7/25/00 - Tue/Wed
- Guest: John Nolan
- Nolan, a former intelligence operative for the federal government, spent
twenty-two years in a career evenly divided between intelligence collection
and counter-intelligence special operations in U.S., Asia and Europe.
- Book: Confidential: Uncover Your Competitors Top Business Secrets Legally and Quickly and Protect Your Own
- Website: www.aimpress.com
7/24/00 - Mon/Tue
- News Items:
- Mesa Verde Fire Burns 22,000 Acres
- New Moon Found Orbiting Jupiter
- Greenland's Thinning Ice Signals Global Warming
- Zvezda docks with space station
- Five Asiatic lions die in Indian wildlife sanctuary
- Custody Battle Over Endangered Pet Monkey
- Fort Worth professor wins award for Bible atlas
- Dig Finds Pieces of Lives From Earliest Days of Presidio
- Indian Ruins Discovered in Fire-Ravaged National Park
- Indian Chamber Body Advises Links Between IT, Genome Research
- Physicists Find Particle Evidence
- Guest: Stan Deyo
- Website: millennium-ark.net
7/23/00 - Sun/Mon
- Guest: James Gilliland
- Book: Becoming Gods: A Reunion with Source
- Book: Becoming Gods II: Interdimensional Mind, Earth Changes & the Quickening
- Website: www.cazekiel.org
7/22/00 - Sat/Sun
- Guest: Carl Sifakis
- A freelance writer, is a former wire service and newspaper crime
reporter, has been a student of organized crime for decades.
- Book: The Mafia Encyclopedia
7/21/00 - Fri/Sat
- News Items:
- Volcano Erupts in Northern Chile
- Town fears big snake may be on the loose
- Murder by Pit Bull?
- Family and State Argue Over Who Keeps Endangered Monkey
- Detroit Zoo to get family's monkey
- Guest: Christopher Dunn
- Dunn's pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkin's book
Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid's
schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine.
- Book: The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
- Website: www.gizapower.com
7/20/00 - Thu/Fri
- News Items:
- Light May Break Its Own Speed Limit
- Volcano Erupts in Northern Chile
- Penguins Shot in S. Africa
- Town fears big snake may be on the loose
- Murder by Pit Bull?
- Family and State Argue Over Who Keeps Endangered Monkey
- Animal raised by humans will have to adjust to its own kind
- Celera Makes Deals With Three Schools
- Guest: John Brandenburg, physicist and planetary scientist
- Guest: Monica Rix Paxson, science writer
- Guest: Stephen Corrick, researcher
- Dr. Brandenburg, Paxson and Corrick will explain how to avoid OPEC's huge
oil price increases and prevent what could be the greatest national
security, environmental and economic threat of all time.
- Book: Dead Mars, Dying Earth
- Website: www.gardenearth.com
7/19/00 - Wed/Thu
- News Items:
- Clinton Opposes Removing Four Dams on Snake River
- ASM Issues Statement On Genetically Modified Organisms
- Parasite's web of death
- Penguin Peter Safely Home After Epic Swim
- Canadian captures rare video of shark attack on teenage surfer
- Trout follow their noses
- Where's Ato? Chow at center of controversy is stolen from doggy death row
- Study Finds More to Tomatoes Than Sauce
- Experts baffled by fall in British asthma rate
- Guest: Gordon Cooper
- Col. Gordon Cooper, one of the original Mercury Astronauts, has new
- Book: Leap of Faith: An Astronaut's Journey into the Unknown
7/18/00 - Tue/Wed
- News Topics:
- India Moon Mission Update
- Earth throws a wobbly
- Spacewatch Scans the Heavens for Killer Rocks
- Key Congressman Attacks NASA Contract
- Unseen Dimensions Could Explain Weakness Of Gravity
- Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
- Article: Hoagland Finds Liquid Water on Mars ... And Other Things
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Guest: Robert Schoch
- Schoch, a tenured associate professor of science and mathematics at Boston
University's College of General Studies, is well-known for his research on
the Great Sphinx as well as his studies of the underwater structure off
the coast of Yonaguni Island, Japan.
- Book: Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations
- Website: robertschoch.homestead.com
7/17/00 - Mon/Tue
- Guest: Shirley MacLaine
- Book: The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit
- Website: www.shirleymaclaine.com
7/16/00 - Sun/Mon
- Guest: Budd Hopkins
- Having investigated well over 500 abduction cases, Hopkins now heads the
Intruders Foundation.
- Book: Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods
- Book: Missing Time
- Book: Abducted!: The Story of the Intruders Continues
- Book: Witnessed; The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions
- Book: The Gulf Breeze Sightings
- Website: www.intrudersfoundation.org
7/15/00 - Sat/Sun
- Guest: Frank Joseph
- Book: Atlantis in Wisconsin: New Revelations About the Lost Sunken City
- Website: www.ancientamerican.com
- Guest: Bill McDonald
- Website: www.AlienUFOart.com
7/14/00 - Fri/Sat
- News Topics:
- Warning Issued on Health of Bay
- Harvard Buys Access To Celera Gene Databases
- Genes play bigger role in causing cancer: researchers
- Mining Ban Recommended in Ariz
- Mandela urges unity against Aids
- Study Ties Most Cancer to Lifestyle, Not Genetics
- Endangered shad bred successfully
- Guest: Joe McMoneagle
- McMoneagle is a full time Research Associate with the Laboratories for
Fundamental Research, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, California,
where he has provided consulting support to research and development in
remote viewing for 14 years.
- Book: Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook
- Book: Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing
- Website: www.mceagle.com
7/13/00 - Thu/Fri
- News Topics:
- One in five Australian birds face extinction
- Fish deaths from bacteria 'not unusual'
- Scientists Find Possible Anti-Arthritis Gene
- Hubble Watches Stellar Demolition Derby In Progress
- Guest: Merle Haggard
7/12/00 - Wed/Thu
- News Topics:
- Third World Needs Food From GM Plants: White Paper
- Fed proposal cuts chance of wolves in Colorado
- Idaho Senator Ends Forest Fight
- Clinton Blasted for Waterways Plan
- Guest: Dr. Roger Leir
- Dr. Leir has headed two surgical teams that have removed five suspected
alien implants in four separate individuals alleged to be abductees. Dr.
Leir is a Podiatric Surgeon and has acted as Chief of Podiatry in many
Southern California hospitals.
- Website: www.alienscalpel.com
- Book: The Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans
7/11/00 - Tue/Wed
- News Items:
- Quake Rattles Nerves in Indonesia's Capital
- Earthquake Shakes Austria
- Alaska earthquake causes minor damage
- Earthquake Jolts Japan Islands After Volcano Erupts
- Second Quake in Two Days Hits Nicaragua, 2 Dead
- Volcano Erupts, Subsides 124 Miles South of Tokyo
- A Cosmic Blowtorch in Hubble's Viewfinder
- Scientists restore Archimedes' lost words
- TV hunt for Viking bloodline
- Research Predicts Summer Doom for Northern Icecap
- Guest: Michio Kaku
- Professor of theoretical physics
- Book: Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
- Book: Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
- Book: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
- Book: Introduction to Superstrings
- Website: www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/
- E-mail: mkaku@aol.com
7/10/00 - Mon/Tue
- News Topics:
- Long-delayed crew module to be launched
- Alzheimer's Epidemic Feared
- For 500 Million, a Sleeper on Greenland's Ice Sheet
- Earth-approaching space rock found by accident
- Guest: Benjamin Creme
- Imminent Emergence of Maitreya the "World Teacher"
- Book: Messages from Maitreya the Christ
- Book: Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom
- Book: Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age
- Book: Maitreya's Mission - Volume I
- Book: Maitreya's Mission - Volume II
- Book: Maitreya's Mission - Volume III
- Book: A Master Speaks
- Website: www.shareintl.org
7/09/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: Richard Winer
- Book: Ghost Ships
7/08/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Barbara Simpson
- Guest: Dr. Charles Atkins
- Website: www.charlesatkins.com
- Book: The Portrait
- Book: Risk Factor
7/07/00 - Fri/Sat
- NOTICE: The first 14 mins of the program is slient due to Satellite Transmission trouble
between Medford and Denver. Advance the Seek Bar to approx 15 minutes into the show to pick up
at the proper point.
- News Topics:
- Peru Seeks To Stem Amazon Logging
- Killer seaweed hits California
- Mutant Frog Increase Spurs U.S. Investigation
- Four Children Killed in Nicaraguan Earthquake
- Moderate Quake Hits Turkey, One Dead, 34 Injured
- Future of international space station riding on Zvezda
- Deep Space 1 Resumes its Mission
- Some Stem Cell Use Should Be Okay, Says Priest
- Also see our Quickening News Items
- Guest: Col. John Alexander
- Director for Scientific Liaison for a private
research institute, serves as a consultant to the Government, and writes
- Book: Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Modern Warfare
- Related Website: knightbilham.com/futurewar.html
7/06/00 - Thu/Fri
- News Items:
- Hubble Captures Black Hole's Cosmic Searchlight
- Whaling ban stays - for now
- Lights, Cameras, Mystery As Pyramid Reopens
- Outcry at the death in captivity of 10 endangered Bengal tigers
- Our cosmos could have been a mere lifeless shell
- Guest: Steve Kates (Dr Sky)
- Update on Comet Linear
- Website: www.drsky.com
- Guest: Stephen Bassett
- Website: Paradigm Clock
- Website: Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
- Column: The Politics of UFOs
- Guest: Alfred Webre, JD, Med.
- Former Stanford Research Institute futurist
claims that a 1977-78 White House study into Extraterrestrial
communications during the Carter years was secretly suppressed at the
behest of Pentagon officials, led by the SRI liaison with the Pentagon.
- On-Line Book: Exopolitics
- Website: www.universebooks.com/alw.html
- Guest: Daniel Sheehan, JD
- A world famous social and legal activist who was
counsel on such nationally recognized cases as
Karen Silkwood, Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers,
Watergate Burglary, and the American Sanctuary
Movement. He is turning his formidable talents to
issues surrounding the UFO/ET reality, skills honed
addressing covert governmental operations, "black
budget" programs, mind control, government disinformation,
and covert warfare. He is also the founder of
the Christic Institute in Washington, DC, for nearly
two decades one of the nation's preeminent public-interest
law firms.
7/05/00 - Wed/Thu
- News Topics:
- Courtroom Monkeyshines: The Plaintiff Is an Ape
- Milky Way Deuterium Created In Wake Of Big Bang
- Greek Myths: Not Necessariliy Mythical
- Guest: Stanton Friedman
- Live update from Roswell Trek 2000 UFO Festival
- Photo: Stan At UFO Research Center
- Guest: Paul Davids
- Hollywood producer, writer and director as well as
author of numerous books, is best known as executive producer and co-writer
of the Showtime film, "Roswell", starring Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen and
Dwight Yokam. "Roswell" was nominated for a Golden Globe Award as Best TV
Motion Picture of 1994.
- Video: Roswell: The U.F.O. Cover-Up (1994)
- Book: The Fires of PELE: Mark Twain's Legendary Lost Journal
- Book: The Glove of Darth Vader (Star Wars, Book 1)
- Book: The Lost City of the Jedi (Star Wars, Vol 2)
- Book: Zorba the Hutt's Revenge (Star Wars, Vol 3)
- Book: Mission from Mount Yoda (Star Wars, Vol 4)
- Book: Queen of the Empire (Star Wars, Vol 5)
- Book: Prophets of the Dark Side (Star Wars, Vol 6)
- Column: Flying Saucers over Hollywood!
7/04/00 - Tue/Wed
- Guest: Stanton Friedman
- Live update from Roswell Trek 2000 UFO Festival
- Photo: Stan In Roswell on the Phone with Mike
- Guest: Jesse Marcel, Jr.
- Jesse is the son of Intelligence Officer Jesse Marcel who identified
wreckage from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash as "Downed flying saucer".
7/03/00 - Mon/Tue
- Guest: Stanton Friedman
- Live update from Roswell Trek 2000 UFO Festival
- Guest: Don Schmitt & Tom Carey
- Tom Carey became a Special Investigator for the J.Allen Hynek Center for
UFO Studies in 1992 and, since 1997, serves on its Board of Directors.
Don Schmitt is a former co-director of the J.Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten
- Book: UFO Crash at Roswell
- Book: The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell
7/02/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: Adrian Gilbert
- Book: The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids
- Book: The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
- Book: Magi: the quest for a secret tradition
- Book: The Holy Kingdom: The Quest For The Real King Arthur
- Book: The Cosmic Wisdom Beyond Astrology Towards a New Gnosis of the Stars
- Website: www.adriangilbert.co.uk
7/01/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Barbara Simpson
- Guest: Diana Botsford
- World Wide UFO Watch, 7/01/00 (Going on Now!)
- Website: DestinationSpace.net
- Guest: Bruce Rux
- Book: Hollywood vs. The Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation
- Book: Architects of the Underworld: Unriddling Atlantis, Anomalies of Mars, and the Mystery of the Sphinx
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