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03/31/00 Fri/Sat
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Guest: Ed Dames
- Website: www.psitech.net
- Art Bell Retirement Announcement
- Audio and Text of Announcement
- Visit the Listeners Message Board
03/30/00 Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Peter Gersten
- Related Info: Judge's Decision in DOD FOIA Case
- Website: www.caus.org
- Guest: Ingo Swann
- Book: Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
- Book: The Great Apparitions of Mary: An Examination of the Twenty-Two Supranormal Appearances
- Book: Purple Fables Quartet
- Book: Opening to the Infinite: Human Multidimensional Potential
- Website: www.biomindsuperpowers.com
03/29/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Guests: Dr. John Brandenburg and
Monica Rix Paxson
- Book: Dead Mars, Dying Earth
03/28/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: Dennis Pukula
- Book: New Story, New God
03/27/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: William Souder
- Investigation into the outbreak of deformed frogs in central Minnesota.
- Book: A Plague Of Frogs: The Horrifying True Story
03/26/00 - Sun/Mon
- Encore: Art Bell
- Guest: Malachi Martin from 11/15/96
- Major Ed Dames joins the conversation with Father Martin in the second hour.
03/25/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: John A. Canal
- Discussion of John F. Kennedy Assasination
- Book: Silencing the Lone Assassin
03/24/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Peter Weissbach
- Open Lines Topic
- You've been promised immortality, but not in your
human body. All of your experiences, personality and memories would be
downlowded onto a computer robot. Would you take this type of immortality
or would you accept your mortality?
- Guest: Dr. Bruce Goldberg
- Book:
Time Travelers From Our Future, A Fifth Dimension Odyssey
- Book: Astral
Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel
- Book: Past Lives,
Future Lives
- Book: Protected
by the Light: The Complete Book of Psychic Self Defense
- Book: Peaceful
Transition: The Art of Conscious Dying & the Liberation of the Soul
- Book: Look
Younger, Live Longer: Add 25 to 50 Years to Your Life, Naturally
- Book: The Search
for Grace: The True Story of Murder & Reincarnation
- Book: Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Making It Work for You
- Book: Soul Healing
- Book: Unleash Your Psychic Powers
- Book: New Age
- Website: www.drbrucegoldberg.com
03/23/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: John Milor
- Book: Aliens in the Bible
- Website: www.aliensinthebible.com
03/22/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Peter Robbins
- Book: Left at
East Gate: A First-Hand Account of Bentwaters-Woodbridge Ufo Incident, Its
Cover-Up, and Investigation
- Website: www.ufocity.com
- Guest: Don Ecker
- Publisher of "UFO Magazine"
- Website: www.ufomag.com
- Website: www.strangedaze.net
03/21/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Peter Gersten
- Website: www.caus.org
- Guest: Dr. Eric Scott Pearl
- Website: www.drericscottpearl.com
03/20/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Peter Weissbach
- Guest: Adrian Gilbert
- Book: The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
- Book: Sniper: The Skills, the Weapons, and the Experiences
- Book: Stalk and Kill: The Sniper Experience
- Book: The Cosmic Wisdom Beyond Astrology Towards a New Gnosis of the Stars
- Book in UK: Signs In The Sky: Prophecies For The Birth Of A New Age
- Website: www.adriangilbert.co.uk
03/19/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: Evan Harris Walker
- Founder and director of the Walker Cancer Institute,
has made major scientific contributions in astronomy, astrophysics,
physics, neurophysiology, psychology, and medicine.
- Book: The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantam Mind and the Meaning of Life
03/18/00 - Sat/Sun
- Encore: Art Bell
- Guest: Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D. from 2/10/00
- Website: www.accessnv.com/nids
- Guest: Richard Roeper from 3/7/00
- Related Website: www.snopes.com
- Book: Urban Legends: The Truth Behind All Those Deliciously Entertaining Myths That Are Absolutely, Positively, 100% Not True
- Book: He Rents, She Rents: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Women's Films and Guy Movies
- Related Image: Three Men and a Baby Video Snapshot
- Guest: "Desert Chad" Martin from 3/7/00
- Website: members.xoom.com/desertchad/
- Related Website: www.illuminatrix.com/mojave/
- Related Website: www.deadpan.net/mpb/
03/17/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Peter Weissbach
- Guest: Deepak Chopra
- Book: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
- Book: How to Know God: The Soul's Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries
- Book: Journey into Healing: Awakening the Wisdom Within You
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
- Book: Creating Affluence: The A-To-Z Steps to a Richer Life
- Book: Deepak Chopra Calendar 2000: 365 Days of Wisdom and Healing
- Book: A Deepak Chopra Companion: Illuminations on Health and Human Consciousness
- Book: Everyday Immortality: A Concise Course in Spiritual Transformation
- Book: Healing the Heart: A Spiritual Approach to Reversing Coronary Artery Disease
- Book: Looking for the Other Side
- Book: Lords of Light
- Book: Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel
- Book: Overcoming Addictions: The Spiritual Solution
- Book: The Path to Love: Renewing the Power of Spirit in Your Life
- Book: The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing
- Book: Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living
- Book: Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Identifying & Soothing the Source of Your Body's Reaction
- Book: Restful Sleep: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Overcoming Insomnia
- Book: The Return of Merlin: A Novel
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents: Guiding Your Children to Success and Fulfillment
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
- Book: Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams
- Book: The Way of the Wizard: 20 Lessons for Living a Magical Life
- Website: www.chopra.com
- Guest: Tom Brown, Jr.
- Book: The Tracker
- Book: The Quest
- Website: www.trackerschool.com
03/16/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Linda Howe
- Rapid Climate Change and Bigfoot are discussed
- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II
- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
- Book: Alien
Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to
Alien Life Forms
- Website: earthfiles.com
03/15/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Art Opens The "Possessed Person Line"
03/14/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Peter Davenport
- Related Info: Fireball March 9, 2000
- Website: www.ufocenter.com
- Guest: Richard Hoagland
- Article: TIME Credits Hoagland with Being There First
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Guest: David Giammarco
- Article: We Are Not Alone
- Guest: Dr. Tom Van Flandern
- Book: Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated
- Website: www.metaresearch.org
- Guest: Kynthia
- Movies: Face on Mars Video Clips
- Website: www.kynthia.net
- Guest: Steve Bassett
- Website: Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
- Website: Missouri UFO State Ballot Initiative
03/13/00 - Mon/Tue
- Encore: Art Bell
- Guest: Michio Kaku from 1/20/00
- Book: Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
- Book: Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
- Book: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
- Book: Introduction to Superstrings
- Website: www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/
- E-mail: mkaku@aol.com
03/12/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Barbara Simpson
- Guest: Michael Newton
- Discusses the most infamous criminals like David
Berkowitz (a.k.a. Son of Sam), Jack the Ripper, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy,
and many more.
- Book: The Encyclopedia Of Serial Killers
03/11/00 - Sat/Sun
- Encore: Art Bell
- Ghost to Ghost from 2/23/00
- Related Page: Listenser Submitted Ghost Images & Debate Photo
03/10/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Peter Weissbach
- Dr. Robert Bogasian
- Dr. Bob will tell you how you can protect yourself from this bugs of distress.
- Website: www.globalbio.com
- Dr. Alex Lukeman
- Book: Sleep Well, Sleep Deep
- Book: Beyond Blame: Reclaiming the Power You Give to Others
- Website: www.frii.com/~tigrnest/
03/09/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Richard Hoagland & David Giammarco
- Related Info: Mission to Mars Trailer
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Georgia Durante
- Stunt Driver who was getaway driver for Mafia
- Website: www.performancetwo.com
- Book: The Company She Keeps
03/08/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- John A. Nolan
- Book: Confidential: Uncover Your Competition's Top Business Secrets Legally and Quickly-And Protect Your Own
- Website: intellpros.com
03/07/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Richard Hoagland
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Richard Roeper
- Related Image: Three Men and a Baby Video Snapshot
- Related Website: www.snopes.com
- Book: Urban Legends: The Truth Behind All Those Deliciously Entertaining Myths That Are Absolutely, Positively, 100% Not True
- Book: He Rents, She Rents: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Women's Films and Guy Movies
- "Desert Chad" Martin
- Website: members.xoom.com/desertchad/
- Related Website: www.illuminatrix.com/mojave/
- Related Website: www.deadpan.net/mpb/
03/06/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Rollye James
- Topic: Your stories about unanswered prayers that you're glad did not come true,
or prayers that you're sorry they did!
03/05/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Nicholas Regush
- Science and medical reporter for ABC News, on HHV-6
(a form of the human herpers virus) and its link to AIDS.
- Book: The Virus Within: A Coming Epidemic
03/04/00 - Sat/Sun
- Encore: Art Bell
- Dr. Jeff Long and Dr. Tricia McGill of 2/4/99
- Near death experiences and features Sarah, who had a glimpse of Hell
during her NDE.
- Website: www.nderf.org
- Website: www.oberf.org
03/03/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Rollye James
- Topic: Paranormal Traveler Stories
03/02/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Margaret Newsham
- Ira Winkler
- CEO, Internet Security Advisor Group
- Book: Corporate Espionage: What It Is, Why It Is Happening in Your Company, What You Must Do About It
- Website: www.isag.com
03/01/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Albert Taylor
- Out-Of-Body Experiences
- Book: Soul Traveler (Re Issue Edition April 2000)
- Book: Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out of Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond (1998)
- Website: www.alberttaylor.com
If you want to discuss any of these topics, you may want to visit the
Art Bell Talk Message Board.