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2/28/99 Sunday Dreamland
- Guest.... Brad Steiger, Co-Author of The Source w/Art
2/26/99 Friday / Saturday
- Columbia.... The U.S. has given Columbia a drug-ally status.
President Clinton also confirmed Mexico has an ally in the drug
trafficking war. Art says this is incredible, seeing as how these
two countries are the leading offenders.
- Iraq.... Iraq has contacted an expert panel to explore ways to
restart U.S. weapons inspections. Art says here is another one to
wonder about.
- China.... The U.S. has criticized China on the human rights side.
Art says if you have ever been in China you would know they watch
you every second.
- Fertility.... Britain's foremost fertility expert says men can
bear children by implanting an embryo into the mans' abdomen and
then deliver it by caesarean. Art reads a report about this amazing
announcement. Art says, 'geez, how fast do I want to get involved in
- Pigs.... On a top secret farm in the Northeast, scientists are
breeding pigs whose DNA has been altered with human genes. Officials
say this is to help out human problems with organs and certain
- Bumper sticker.... Someone sent Art a bumper sticker that says,'
Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands,
hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats'. Art wonders if
this applies after reading the last two stories.
- CIA.... Art reads a story from The Washington AP titled: CIA
Predicts Serious Y2K Problems Around the Globe.
- Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour. Fritz is
the first caller and he discusses the debunking that took place on "Confirmation"
about the Trumbull County sighting.
- 2nd hour.... Art tells us of another "Darwin Award"
episode he did to himself, taking a long draw of the wrong end of a
- Guest.... Kenny Young, a gentleman who has the raw audio from the
Trumbull County sightings mentioned on the "Confirmation"
special will join Art. Skeptics on the show said they just saw a
star. Art warns listeners that some language may be inappropriate
for younger listeners. Kenny begins by telling us how he obtained
the tape.
- 3rd hour.... In the third hour, Kenny picks up in the part of the
tape where a reporter gets involved. Many of the reports called into
Liberty dispatch are played.
- 4th hour.... Art talks briefly about his upcoming appearance on
Larry King and is trying to decide what to wear. Art and Kenny
continue with the tape. After the bottom of the hour break, Kenny
plays a portion of the tape he calls 'the chase'.
- 5th hour.... Art reads a portion of a letter sent to him
regarding Y2K. Kenny plays more of the tape and continues with Art
and after the bottom of the hour break Art opens the lines.
2/25/99 Thursday / Friday
- 1st hour.... John Kirby, from Intel and Mark Cuban, president of
Broadcast.com, join Art in the first hour to discuss the new
streaming video experiment which is beginning tonight. A lot of the
technical aspects of the project are explained.
- 2nd hour.... Art tells us he is going to the "Somewhere in
Time" weekend on Mackinaw Island, in Michigan. It is a
gathering of folks who loved that movie and are intrigued by time
travel. Guest.... Lia Danks joins Art with a woman's viewpoint of
Y2K. She is the author of "Build Your Own Ark'. She explains
she is not an expert on Y2k, but has put in hundreds of hours
researching. She begins by telling us what got her started on this
mission and why she wrote the book. At the bottom of the hour Lia
tells us how she has prepared, especially where clean water is
- 3rd hour.... Art reads a fax to Lia from a listener who asks what
Art is going to tell his guests when nothing happens on Jan 1, 2000
and their books are no longer needed. Art reads more observations
from listeners for Lia's comments. At the bottom of the hour Lia and
Art discuss storing food.
- 4th hour.... Art opens the lines for questions for Lia. Topics
range from how to prepare if you live in a big city, to how to
prepare if your are disabled or have mobility issues.
- 5th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener asking Art if he has
planted his tobacco plants yet in lieu of Y2K and the possibility
that cigarettes won't be available. Art reads a fax to Lia from a
listener that hints about what one would do if his neighbor had
stored food but he hadn't. Would there be violence? Phone calls
2/24/99 Wednesday / Thursday
- Replay.... Edgar Mitchell
2/23/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
- WNAT.... Art welcomes station WNAt in Natches, Mississippi.
- Guilty.... The white supremacist accused of dragging a black man
to death, has been found guilty. Art says his punishment could never
be rough enough.
- Serbs.... Serbs agreed, in principle, to give self limited rule
to Albanians.
- Daly.... Richard M. Daly was reelected in Chicago yesterday.
- Sightings.... There have been things streaking the skies in the
last 24 hours. Los Angeles had things streaking over it with many
eye witnesses. Peter Davenport comes on with an update and an audio
cut from one of the first people to call in a report. This was
sighted at 2:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.
- Jokes.... Art reads a few humorous notes from listeners at the
bottom of the hour.
- Buenos Aires.... Art tells us about the events in Buenos Aires
while the power has been out for 2 weeks resulting from a fire. Art
says this can give us an idea what may happen here if there were a
mass power outage maybe as a result of Y2K.
- Flu.... Art reads an email from a listener who called the
1-800-IGOTFLU hotline and got an operator who just asked for his zip
code and then hung up. Art calls the number and gets a recording
saying they are no longer screening patients for enrollment. Art
wonders why they would not tell the person why they would be
participating in this study, do you suppose it has something to do
with con trails.
- Y2k.... Art reads a report from a committee saying all segments
of the nations' economy is at risk due to Y2K. Also, Art reads an
article on the "Know Your Customer" regulation.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Art is joined by Jean Cavelos, an
astrophysicist and mathematician. Art starts by asking Jean what
people would notice if the universe was to contract.
- 3rd hour.... Art and Jean discuss our ecological situation,
biological warfare and our destructive 'side'. At the bottom of the
hour Art tells us about Mars and Venus getting very close to each
other in the month of February.
- 4th hour.... Art and Jean discuss the possibility of apes
evolving intelligence and aliens traveling at the speed of light.
Art opens the lines for questions for Jean.
- 5th hour.... Art reads an email from a listener commenting on the
program and the sudden burst of mans discoveries in the 1940's. Art
and Jean talk about Europa and the problems probes have when they
approach Europa. At the bottom of the hour the discussion turns to
human mutation.
2/22/99 Monday / Tuesday
- Welcome.... Art welcomes station WSGW, in Saginaw, Michigan.
Albania.... Albanians are being urged to accept the peace agreement.
Art feels they will wait to the very last minute.
- Washington.... Washington went back to work today, Clinton met
with the nations' Governors to discuss education, tobacco money and
Internet sales taxes. Art reminds us that if you buy something from
another state, you don't have to pay taxes, so how are they going to
pull this off?
- Missiles.... Iraqi missiles aimed at U.S. and British planes
seemed to have caused more damage to the Iraqis than us.
- Anthrax.... Art has been following all the anthrax stories, and
reads a letter from a listener telling Art there has been another
- Helicopters.... Art reads a report from a listener about Black
Helicopters in Kingsville, Texas terrorizing citizens.
- Alaska.... Black Cat Chickadees have been seen in the Anchorage
area with deformed beaks. Art says this is another environmental
story that will get noted and then dropped.
- Law.... Art talks about the proposed "Know Your Customer"
government regulation. This will require banks to keep a profile on
you so they can tell the government when your transactions deviate
from your established pattern. Art asks why would the government
would want to know all this about you? Possibly to detect drug
dealing, or crime in general?
- Y2K.... Art reads a letter from a listener who works in a bank
and heard his manager tell a customer they were Y2K compatible, when
he knows they are not.
- Flu.... Art reads a letter from a hospital worker relating steps
they had to take back in the 80's when a person came in with flu
like symptoms.
- Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour. At the
bottom of the hour, Art tells us he is going to appear on Larry King
Live on March 5th, and then Larry will be on Coast to Coast in the
near future.
- 2nd hour.... Albert Taylor, author of "Soul Traveler",
joins Art for the evening. Albert begins by giving us a preview of
his new book expected out in the year 2000. After the bottom of the
hour break, Art asks Albert would good reincarnation is when you
can't remember the previous existence.
- 3rd hour.... At the top of the third hour, Art opens the phone
lines for Atheists to debate with Albert. Art asks the first caller
if he would change his mind if he had a near death experience where
he saw the light and saw his own body being worked on.
2/21/99 Sunday Dreamland
- Linda Howe.. Report on Big Foot
- Guest... Heather Anne Harder, Author of "Interdimensional
Communication: The Art and Science of Talking to Ghosts, Spirits,
Angels and Other Dead People"
2/19/99 Friday / Saturday
- Sliwa.... The radio station Art listened to in his own youth, in
NYC, has Curtis Sliwa on it. Art has gotten many faxes telling him
that Curtis has been trashing him on the air. Art relates a little
story about when Curtis came to visit Art in the desert.
- 1st hour.... Peter Davenport joins Art in the first hour to
discuss new sightings of triangles.
- 2nd hour.... Art tells us he has been doing his own investigation
about y2k, and Gary North will join him in the second hour. Many,
many areas are discussed beginning with the Social Security
- 3rd hour.... At the top of the 3rd hour, Gary reads a letter sent
to wholesalers about coin rationing.
- 4th hour.... Art reads an email to Gary from a listener
complaining about Gary's statement that programmers are to blame for
- 5th hour.... Art opens the phone lines for questions for Gary.
2/18/99 Thursday / Friday
- Welcome....Art welcomes station KUJ in Walla Walla, Washington.
- Storm.... Art says we are getting slammed right now with an
electromagnetic storm from the sun.
- Miami Circle.... Breaking news on the Miami Circle, so
Richard and Robert will be on in the first hour with an update. The
commissioners of Dade County voted to preserve the site.
- Strieber.... Art says Confirmation was a hit and the most watched
UFO special in American history.
- 2nd hour.... William Thomas, an investigative journalist,
joins Art in the second hour to discuss con trails and the
possibility that Americans are being sprayed from the air. At the
bottom of the hour William goes over some lab analysis of some
- 4th hour.... Art opens the phone lines in the fourth hour for
questions for Mr. Thomas.
- 5th hour.... Mr. Thomas starts off the 5th hour talking about the
deaths of many livestock in Arizona and the phone calls continue.
2/17/99 Wednesday / Thursday
- 1st hour.... Tonight, Whitley Strieber and Jack Casher, a
physicist, who reviewed the NASA sts48 video and proved the object
you saw on Confirmation tonight is almost certainly a space craft,
will be on with Art in the first hour. Dr. Roger Lear is also on
board to discuss the Confirmation special. Art thought the special
was fantastic and Whitley says he is just exhausted after working on
this for so long. After the bottom of the hour break, Art opens the
phone lines for callers. For those who didn't get to see the
special, you can call 1-800-nbc-2634 and get a tape.
- 2nd hour.... Gordon Michael Scallion, who Art calls a
futurist, joins Art in the second hour. He is probably best known
for his Northridge, Ca earthquake prediction. Gordon tells the
audience how he came to be the type of person he is after
experiencing a health crisis in the 80's. At the bottom of the hour
Art and Gordon discuss Gordon's return to California and his
appearance on the Roseanne show.
- 3rd hour.... At the top of the third hour Art informs us of
breaking news regarding the Miami Circle. There is all kinds of info
posted. Art and Gordon discuss the possible results of a 'shift'.
Art asks Gordon what forces are work when one thing comes true and
another is forestalled.
- 4th hour.... At the top of the fourth hour, Gordon discusses his
feelings on the next war that will occur and who it involves, with
the events starting in Turkey. At the bottom of the hour Art and
Gordon discuss the Miami Circle. Gordon says his visions are
sometimes triggered by photos and after seeing a picture of the
Miami Circle, he tells Art his visions concerning Miami.
- 5th hour.... Art opens the phone lines at the top of the 5th hour
for callers to ask questions of Gordon. The first caller, and Art,
ask Gordon about the past 'great experiments' Art and his audience
have done. At the half way point Gordon discusses what he calls the
awakening and how we excel best when we are challenged.
2/16/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Special.... This is the night before Whitley Strieber's "Confirmation"
special. Tonights program is a little bit about what your going to
see. Whitley and the narrator of the special and the co-producer
will be on with Art in the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Art welcomes stations KEES, in Gladwater, Texas, and
KYZS in Tyler, Texas. Richard Hoagland is on in the top of
the hour with another Miami Circle update. After the bottom of the
hour break, Art's guest will be Wayne Green. Art and Wayne
begin by discussing health, cancer and conventional therapies.
- 3rd hour.... Wayne and Art talk about the late King Hussein and
HAM radio participants. After the bottom of the hour break the
discussion turns to Y2K.
- 4th hour.... The discussion begins with making money and
entrepeneurs. After the bottom of the hour break the discussion
returns to Y2K, ET's and future civilizations. The topic also turns
to cancer and diet.
- 5th hour.... Art opens the lines for callers to ask questions of
Wayne. The first caller asks Wayne if he has ever written about how
to use pool water for drinking water. At the bottom of the hour a
caller asks Wayne about floride and its necessity in one's diet.
2/15/99 Monday / Tuesday
2/14/99 Sunday Dreamland
- Linda Howe.... reports on Another Triangular UFO Sighting
- Guest... Jeanne Cavelos.... The Science of the X-Files
2/12/99 Friday / Saturday
- Anthrax.... There was an anthrax scare at the los Angeles Times
building. Art says this is the flavor of the month for terroritst.
- Clinton.... Art reads a few headlines on the President's
acquittal. Clinton says in a report that he is searching for
reconciliation. Art says in private he is probably painting a dart
board with 15 pictures of house managers. To those who have been
praying for Clinton's political demise, Art says, close but no
- Musical..... A new musical will be opening in Hollywood called,
Starr Struck, which will be about the entire investigation.
- No more.... Art says please no more, give us two more years of
peace and Clinton quiet.
- 1st Hour.... In the first segment of the first hour Richard
Hoagland will be on with a shocking Miami circle update. There was
not a quorum call at the meeting in Dade County. Harvey Ruvin, a
former Dade County Commissioner, joins Art and Richard.
- Sound alike..... Art can't get over how much Harvey Ruvin sounds
like Robert ghostwolf. He discusses this with callers when he opens
the lines to finish out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Sylvia Brown, one of the world's leading
physcics will be on in the 2nd hour. After the bottom of the hour
break, Sylvia and Art discuss what happens to a person when they
- 3rd hour.... Art and Sylvia discuss her hospice work with AIDS
patients. Art opens the lines for calls for Sylvia. The first caller
asks about guardian angels. After the bottom of the hour break,
Slyvia talks about Y2K.
- 4th hour.... Calls continue for Sylvia Brown.
- 5th hour.... Art has his board manager play clips of both Harvey
Ruvin and Robert Ghostwolf to prove his point that the two sound
identical. Sylvia Brown continues through out the program.
2/11/99 Thursday / Friday
- Miami Circle.... There is a critical meeting tomorrow in Dade
county about the Miami Circle. Art asks listeners to click on the
meeting link on the front page and use the fax numbers listed to
send your support.
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art in the first hour
with an update on the deaths of horses in Ashfork, Arizona.
- NEWS.... Art reads a few headlines on the trial in the senate.
- Guns.... A federal jury found several gun makers liable in 3
shootings because of negligent marketing practices. Art says this is
a very chilling ruling.
- Con Trails.... 3 separate times today, Art saw large jets at
cruising altitude entering the Pahrump valley and then doing a 360
degree turn. This is highly unusual for Pahrump and Art says the con
trails were like smoke rings which formed into a bank of cloudiness.
Though Art has never had any respiratory problems, he had several
sneezing fits today and Ramona has had an asthma attack. Art is glad
he is having William Thomas back on the program next week.
- Recap.... Art reviews upcoming scheduled guests before the top of
the second hour and then reads some quotes from the public in a
Fresno newspaper about Y2K.
- 2nd hour.... Brad Steiger is Art's guest tonight and he
announces that he and Brad have a new book out titled, The Source, a
compilation of their views on the paranormal. The first part of the
interviews centers on the book. After the bottom of the hour break
the discussion turns to angels and Art mentions the angel photos
- 3rd hour.... Art and Brad discuss the angel photos. At the bottom
of the hour the discussion turns to poltergiests.
- 4th hour.... Brad and Art discuss the sudden change in the amount
of interest in the paranormal recently. After the bottom of the hour
break, Art asks Brad how he handles fame. Art opens the phone lines
for questions.
- 5th hour.... Art and Brad discuss why both good and bad people go
to the light during OBE's and NDE's. Phone calls continue.
2/10/99 Wednesday / Thursday
- Miami.... Art reads the headlines from the Miami Herald regarding
the Miami Circle, the landowner says he will not delay construction
any further, but he has offered to pay to have it moved. Richard
Hoagland and Robert Ghostwolf will be on in the first hour with an
update. The fact that the owner will not allow Native Americans to
pray on the site is a hot topic.
- 2nd hour.... Dannion Brinkley joins Art in the second hour. They
begin by discussing near death experiences.
- 3rd hour.... In the bottom of the third hour Dannion gives his
opinion on Giza and what will be found there.
- 4th hour.... At the top of the fourth hour Art reads a letter
sent to Ann Landers printed in one of the nationally syndicated
newspapers about her 'Valentines to Vets' program.
- 5th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener who doesn't
understand Art's position on hospice work and Art explains why he
thinks he couldn't do it. Dannion tells Art he is going to take him
with him next time he is in Las Vegas to visit a hospice patient.
Art opens the phone lines and finishes out the program with calls
for Dannion.
2/9/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
- NATO.... The US is urging Serbs to accept the NATO force. This
reminds Art of his first Sargent in the military.
- Senate.... The Senate will debate impeachment charges in secret.
Art says the President will be acquitted and wonders if they will
ever come to an agreement on the censure motion.
- Falwell.... Art reads an article where Rev. Falwell apologizes
for saying the anti-christ is a Jew, claiming a lack of tact and
judgment. But Art notices that another article has Falwell calling
Tinky-Winky of the Teletubbies a gay role model.
- Y2K.... Art reads a new poll about the percentage of people
planning on withdrawing their money from banks in lieu of the Y2K
bug and the resulting problems it may cause.
- Top 12... Art reads the top 12 things that may mean you have been
listening to too much Coast to Coast AM.
- Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener who has also seen geese
flying North ( in February?) and an article telling us that Russia
needs at least 3 million dollars to fix their computers that control
the stockpile of nuclear weapons and are appealing to the US to fix
- Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the hour with the first
caller discussing the fax Art received from the Anti-Christ.
- 2nd hour....The most respected prophecy teacher in the world,
Hal Lindsay, joins Art in the second hour.
- 3rd hour.... The discussion starts with Bible prophecies. Art
throws out some hardball questions at the bottom of the hour.
- 4th hour.... The discussion starts with cloning and whether they
have souls. Art is surprised to Hear Hal say that he believes
animals have souls too. Art takes calls for Hal this hour.
- 5th hour.... Hal Lindsey continues with Art, and Art reads some
faxes from listeners to Hal for his comments.
2/8/99 Monday / Tuesday
- Miami.... Richard Hoagland, Robert Ghostwolf and Jim Adams,
a National park archeologist, join Art in the first hour for an
update on the Miami Circle. Art says we are gathering national
support to preserve this site. The Dade County Commission appointed
a task force, and the Smithsonian Institution has showed interest.
The fax number for the Governor is 850-487-0801, the Mayor is
305-375-3618, and the First Lady's 202-456-2461.
- 2nd hour.... Peter Gersten, a UFO lawyer joins Art in the
second hour after a few announcements. Art welcomes station WHOP, in
Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The Rogue Market is back and you can buy Art
Bell stock. Art tells us of a photo he received of a car/deer
accident which shows an angel and a letter he received from a person
claiming to be the Anti-Christ. Both are posted. Art reviews the
upcoming guest schedule.
- At the bottom of the 2nd hour, Art discusses the President's
trial with Peter and asks his assessment and if it will affect the
field he is working in.
- 3rd hour.... Art talks about making a deposition about his first
UFO sighting and asks the audience if they remember the exact date,
because he cannot recall. At the bottom of the hour Art asks Peter
how he could defend a confessed murderer.
- 4th hour.... Art reads a report he feels is part of the
quickening about 3 girls who committed suicide together by holding
hands and jumping off a 15 story building and asks the audience for
confirmation. At the bottom of the hours Art asks Peter what it is
like to live in Sedona, AZ, and Peter tells us of a conference to be
held there soon with many of Art's former guests attending. Art
opens the phone lines for questions for peter.
- Last Hour.... Open Lines with Peter Gersten continues.
2/05/99 Friday / Saturday
- Replay.... Frodo, the Tree Sitter from last nights
- Replay.... Gregg Braden from Feb 27th, 1998.
2/04/98 Thursday / Friday
- 1st hour news.... Senate votes to show the Lewinsky tape. Art is
sorry there will only be portions aired, he wants to hear every
salacious quote.
- Lewinsky.... An AP story says Monica still has mixed feelings for
Clinton and continues to admire him. Art wonders if she still wants
- Troops.... The President is considering sending ground troops to
Korsovo(sic) as peace keepers if a peace accord is reached.
- Hussein... King Hussein gravely ill after an unsuccessful bone
marrow transplant.
- Anthrax.... 2 anthrax scares, one in Washington D.C. and one in
Atlanta in the NBC newsroom.
- MIR.... The mirror experiment failed, so night did not turn into
day. Art says if you had been under the beam of this thing it would
have been up to times the brighter than the full moon.
- Frodo.... Art interviews Frodo, the tree sitter in Oregon whose
sitting atop a 200 foot tree protecting it from the loggers.
- 2nd hour.... Art's guests are Jeff Long, a physician, and
Tricia McGill, a psychologist. The topic is frightening near
death experiences. After a brief introduction of the guests and the
topic, Art brings on Sarah to describe her NDE. Art describes this
as the best interview of a NDE experiencer ever on the radio.
Sarah's story will be preserved on the sound clips page.
- 4th hour.... Jeff Long describes his NDE and Art opens the phone
lines for NDE experiencers only.
2/03/99 Wednesday / Thursday
- Miami.... Tonight a variety of guests will be on to discuss the
stone circle found in Miami. Richard Hoagland, Robert Ghostwolf
and an archeologist named Gypsy Graves join Art right after
the first commercial break.
- 2nd Hour.... Richard responds to a listeners fax that says the
circle looks like an old landfill. Sheryl Jones, a network
anchor with a meteorlogical degree, joins the others in the second
hour. The fax number for the Governor of Florida is 850-487-0801,
Art reminds people to be polite and send their support of the Miami
Circle to Gov. Jeb Bush. At the bottom of the hour, Richard reads a
USA Today article about the find.
- 3rd hour.... Art tells us Dannion Brinkley popped in to visit him
during the last hour, though he was not on the air, there is a
current picture of him posted. Art asks Richard about the trouble
Galileo has been having while passing Europa before returning to the
topic of the Miami Circle. Michael Morton, an
archeocryptographer, joins the others in this hour. The fax number
for CNN, to send your support, is 404-681-3578. The fax number for
the White House is 202-456-2806.
- 4th hour.... Art and Richard discuss the MIR mirror experiment at
the top of the hour. Art opens the phone lines for callers to
discuss the Miami Circle.
- 5th hour.... Art reads an email from a listener that updates the
MIR experiment. Robert Ghostwolf and Richard Hoagland take calls for
the rest of the program. At the bottom of the hour Richard tells us
of a phone call he just received telling him that Robert made the
front page of the Miami Herald.
2/02/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Jordan.... Vernon Jordan was questioned by White House
prosecutors about the president trying to find Lewinsky a job. Art
wonders why the president would ask someone to get a job for an
intern unless it was driven by 'something'.
- Iraq.... U.S. jets bombed Iraqian missile launchers. Art thinks
that Iraq should be getting sick of this. Iraq is not attacking
back, just turning on radar.
- Abortion.... Abortion foes who have created a website listing the
names and addresses of "baby butchers" were ordered to pay
107 million dollars by a federal jury. Art says that website won't
be up for awhile.
- Heart.... Studies show that people who have taken two different
kinds of antibiotics are less likely to suffer heart attacks. A
study shows that infections may be a leading cause of heart disease.
Art tells a story about his bosses' barber who recently dropped
dead. Art says he has heard alot of these deaths lately, healthy
people dying off.
- Russians.... The crew of MIR will stage a spectacular experiment
using a huge mirror to reflect a beam of sunlight back to Earth. Art
wants to know who gave them permission to do this to us.
- Meteor.... Scientists say a small meteor streaked over the
western sky yesterday. Art says this is always the explanation and
Art asks how they can know it is a meteorite unless someone goes and
finds what fell. They should say something entered the Earth's
atmosphere. "Show me the Rock" says Art.
- 114.... Art reads an update on the story about element 114 being
- Morse code.... Ships at sea will no longer use morse code to
signal distress, they have all switched to a GPS based system. Art
says when you consider Y2K you got to wonder whether this is a cool
idea. Again, Art says who decides these things, and what will
replace it? A person calling on his satellite phone saying 'get me
the hell outta here'?
- Small Pox.... The CDC in Atlanta has placed small pox at the top
of their lists of potential biological agents of mass destruction.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Edmund Pankau, an author who wrote, "Hide
Your Assets and Disappear", will join Art in the second hour.
- 3rd hour.... Art opens the lines for callers to ask questions of
Mr. Pankau. Mr. Pankau stays with Art for the rest of the program.
2/01/99 Monday / Tuesday
- Welcome.... Art welcomes station WMIX, in Mt. Vernon, Illinois
and KPEL in Lafayette, Louisiana.
- Miami.... Art talks about what he is calling the 'American
Stonehenge' which was found in Miami, Florida, and how his program,
and those who emailed and faxed, changed the mind of the developer
who was going to raze it. There has been at least a couple days
reprieve. Art plans on having experts on Wednesday night's program
to discuss this in greater detail.
- Budget....The White House unveiled a 1.77 Trillion dollar budget
for the year 2000. Republicans are upset about the whole thing and
want a tax cut instead.
- Lawyers.... White House lawyers passed on asking questions of
Monica Lewinsky. Art thinks maybe they figured her answer would just
get the President in more trouble.
- Europa.... The Gallileo space craft on its way to Jupiter is in
trouble, it halted all non-essential functions and went into a safe
mode as it approached Europa and Jupiter. Art says 'Damn, every time
we get close to Europa we have trouble.'
- AIDS.... Art reads an AP story about new convincing evidence that
the AIDS virus originated in chimps. Art has his doubts about
whether to believe this story. Another story reports that the new
AIDS vaccination could also cause AIDS. This is why Art is so leery
of all the AIDS reports.
- Bara.... Art mentions the article posted on the front page
written by Mike Bara, concerning the infighting taking place in the
UFO community.
- Y2K.... After the first break, Art reads another Y2K bug story
involving a bank.
- CNN.... CNN reported that there is a congressman who has decided
he is going to change the calendar and start the new year out on
January 3rd and Art just cannot understand how this will help since
the problem is the 00 at the end of the year.
- Power.... A nuclear generating station lost power to it's coolant
system on a reactor. They say no radiation was released.
- Service.... At the bottom of the hour Art reports that this
Tuesday a candlelight vigil will be held by Miami citizens at the
Miami Circle, responding to Robert Ghostwolf and Richard
Hoagland.You can call 509-465-1606 for information if you are
interested in attending.
- Lazar.... (Shades of Bob Lazar), Art reads a New York times story
about collaborating Russian and American nuclear physicists believe
they have created a new ultra heavy element that is number 114. Art
reminds us of Bob Lazar telling us of a spacecraft fueled by an
element pretty close to 114.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour with Fritz
being the first caller asking about Moses.
- 2nd hour.... Linda Mouton Howe is Art's guest tonight to discuss
all the environmental issues and bizarre animal events happening
lately. She begins with news on this month's blue moon.
- 3rd Hour.... Ms. Howe discusses news in astronomy. Art opens the
lines for questions from listeners.
- 4th Hour.... At the top of the 4th hour Art rereads the story on
Gallelio and it's troubles, discusses the Miami Circle discovery and
then goes into open lines.
- Last Hour.... At the top of the hour Art reads a couple faxes
about the accessibility of syringes, which was a topic in the last
hour during open lines.
- Superbowl.... Art almost went to the superbowl til he and Ramona
checked the price of seats on the internet. He then tells a joke
about seats at the superbowl.