Art attended an annual assembly of fans of the movie "Somewhere in Time."
The fans meet on Mackinac Island, just off the Michigan coast. Here are the pictures
of this trip.
Other interesting websites are: Somewhere in Time, the Grand Hotel and Mackinac Island and the Mackinac Bridge
Final batch of 35 MM photos
Ramona Bell visiting the sights. (11/09/99)
Art and Ramona (11/09/99)
Saturday Afternoon Celebration
Ramona Bell in front of the Grand
Hotel. (10/30/99)
Ramona and Art in costume.
Anne and Whitley Strieber in period
costumes. (10/30/99)
Whitley and Anne Strieber, Ramona and
Art Bell with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tarhay.(10/30/99)
Friday Evening Dinner
Art Bell takes photo of the group at
dinner. Leoni and Alan Corbeth, Sue and Bob Crane, Ann and Whitley Strieber and Ramona Bell. (10/29/99)
Ramona and Art are pictured here with Bill Erwin, the actor who played "Arthur"
in the movie, "Somewhere in Time." (10/28/99)
First Day
Ramona in front of the Grand Hotel on
Mackinac Island. (10/29/99)
Art in front of the Grand Hotel.
The local mode of transportation.
One of the rooms at the Grand Hotel.
Art seeing the sights. (10/29/99)
Arriving in Mackinac
These pictures sent by Bob Bennett from Mackinac Island, webmaster for the
Mackinac Island Chamber of Commerce and the 2nd assistant to the property master on the Movie "Somewhere in Time." Left, Art and gang arrive at Mackinac, right, Anne and Whitley Strieber, Bob Crane,
Leoni and Alan Corbeth sit out on the porch after a long flight! (10/28/99)
The Trip
After the private plane picks up Art and Ramona, the first stop is Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, where Dan Kolbeck gets a stand-up and then takes a picture of the group (Bells, Corbeths, Cranes, pilot) heading back to the plane for the final leg of the trip.