An overhead shot of the Pentagon:
Our secret fox_friend@yahoo.com sends us: Here are 3 more pictures
we shot last Friday at Ground Zero. The first two
depict the wreckage of the twin towers; the third is an unkown female
volunteer; just one of hundreds who typically offered whatever was needed -
in this case... a smoke (guess I picked a bad week to stop smoking....)
Davee Hallinan (bluedesire@earthlink.net) writes: Here is a picture of the vigil
held in Burbank at our police department on Sept.14th.
I thought it really captured the essence of how this has
affected all of us, even our nation's children. People have a tendency
to patronize children, but as a teacher I have learned that we don't
give our kids enough credit for compassion and understanding. We don't
need to explain heartbreak to kids - unfortunately they understand it
quite fine. Maybe it's us that should be listening.
Daniel Borror (djbcbs@madisontelco.com) send us:
My fire department held a terrorism awareness class tonight. One particular publication
caught the eyes of all of us and kind of seemed ironic to us is that it was published in 9/2000,
exactly a year prior to the incident. Now, I dont know if this was a sign or what.
I just thought that it deserved to be shared with all of you at artbell!
Jim Domiano (chicagodom@yahoo.com) writes:
I attended the memorial service this past Friday here in Chicago. This photo was taken in Daley Plaza.
I grew up in NJ. The first apartment I had out of college was in Belleville, and I remember being completely delighted that, if you laid down on the bed sideways, you could see the Twin Towers. I moved to the Midwest ten years ago and still consider NY/NJ my home.
Purchased the photo last December, on a lark, from a street vendor. The phrase just came to me. I felt I was showing our country's colors and making certain we don't forget.
The photo hangs in my office with it's addition.