Autopilot Cash Machine
Continental Airlines Accident
Swissport Flight Ops - SFB (swissops-sfb@mpinet.net) writes:
During the early hours of the morning engineers were
carrying out work on the aircraft, which involved removing and replacing the
centre console light panel around the throttle quadrant. In order to perform
this work, the throttle levers had been placed in the full power position
and, to silence the take-off warning horn, the circuit breaker was pulled.
After this work had been completed, another engineer, who was tasked with
trouble shooting a reported engine oil quantity discrepancy, began carrying
out an engine run, apparently without reference to the 'Pre Power On' portion
of the Taxi/Towing Checklist. The Checklist, in part, called for the checking
of circuit breakers, thrust levers to idle and parking brake set, none of
which was apparently done. Consequently, when the left engine was started
with its thrust lever in the full power position, the aircraft jumped its
chocks and ran forward into the airport terminal building (Terminal C). The
engineer and seven cleaners who were on board sustained minor injuries in the
The aircraft was MD81 N16884. It was totalled by insurers! "
