Sent April 15th, 2001 by Premiere Radio Networks:
National UFO Reporting Center
P.O. Box 45623
University Station
Seattle, WA. 98145-0623
April 15, 2001
Dear Peter:
I have received a copy of your correspondence to Art Bell dated April 13,
2001. Pursuant to that, I would like to make the following points.
As we discussed many times in the past, it is not the policy of this network
to pay guests for appearances on our programs. This policy to the best of my
knowledge is standard practice throughout the talk radio industry. We do
offer ample opportunity for our guests to promote their activities, books,
materials, etc. This same courtesy has always been extended to you whenever
you made an appearance with Art, and an enhanced promotional package would
have been offered had you agreed to appear with Mike Siegel.
When Art left the show in April of 2000, you decided not to make any further
appearances with us unless you were compensated. As explained, this is not a
practice this network participates in. With Art's absence form the airwaves
and a new host struggling to keep things going, we truly needed all the help
we could get. It was during this time that I offered a plan that would not
directly compensate you, but would indeed offer the opportunity for our
listeners to support the National UFO Reporting Center. We also discussed
the possibility of your doing a one-time weekend show. We would then
evaluate the effectiveness of this show from your perspective, and from
Premiere Radio's perspective. Sadly, you did not pursue this idea in a
timely manner, as you had many other irons in the fire.
I do want to say that I am absolutely astounded that throughout all our
negotiations you continued to report for another program as you still do, for
no compensation or special arrangements. I do not understand this as you
originally worked with Art before you worked with this other program.
Peter, I want you to know that you are as always most welcomed to appear on
Coast-To-Coast AM. However, now that Art has returned, we have actually
reduced our commercial time by over 33%. This in an effort to give the
listeners more uninterrupted programming. With that said, we can no longer
offer the extended promotional package that was offered to you during Art's
absence. However, Art will give your center the same promotional
considerations that have always been offered.
I understand that you intend to make a statement on your website. I urge you
to do this as quickly as possible so that the listeners can be apprised of
the situation.
In closing, I want to again reiterate that Premiere Radio does not compensate
guests to appear on its programs. It never has and it never will. We are
prepared to give you the same promotional considerations that we offer all
our valued guests and contributors. I suggest you retain a media consultant
or public relations firm of your choice to assist you with developing devices
that can help you capitalize on your national media exposure. We are not in
the business of helping our guests with their business arrangements.
On behalf of Art, myself, and the Premiere Radio Networks, I wish you the
very best of luck in the future.
Alan Corbeth
Vice President, Premiere Radio Networks