Ultimate Fat Loss Secrets!
9/30/99 Thu/Fri
- Photos.... Art talks about the new photos posted under New Site
Additions on the home page. One is of a fiery ghost, another about the
contrails and one of MIGs.
- Japan.... An uncontrolled nuclear reaction was contained at an uranium
processing plant in Japan.
- Quake.... At least 7 dead after a quake rocked southern Mexico.
- Orbitor.... The loss of the Mars orbitor is now being blamed on the
software writers, one of which used the metric system and another who
used feet. Art reads an email from a listener who comments on this
lame excuse.
- Antarctic.... Art is still contemplating the story about scientists
wanting to dig under the Antarctic for life. Art wonders what kind of
viral mess we might uncover.
- Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour with the first
caller discussing the virus in New York that came from Africa. Art
discusses his suspicions about all the new area codes with a caller.
- 2nd hour.... Evelyn Paglini, a practitioner in the occult and
supernatural, joins Art this hour. Art asks Evelyn if the term 'witch'
is offensive to her. After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks
Evelyn if he could do some kind of ritual to make someone sick and how
would he go about it. Art asks Evelyn what she would assume is
happening if she saw someone using a magnifying glass to burn holes in
a photo of someone.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Evelyn about the Sharon Tate murders and the
Manson group. Evelyn talks about power and Art asks her if these
catastrophes we see around the world could be a product of someone's
ritual. A faxer from Phoenix asks Evelyn if Christianity is any
protection from the powers Evelyn talks about. Evelyn talks about how
every culture has witches and/or magic. Art asks Evelyn about Free
- 4th hour.... Art opens the phone lines for questions for Evelyn. The
first caller asks if there is any help in the 'craft' to help him get
off steroids. Later in the hour a caller asks Evelyn about his visions
and what they may mean.
- 5th hour.... Art and Evelyn discuss the 'evil eye'. Art asks Evelyn
about Moses command from God that says 'thou shalt not suffer a witch
to live'. A caller asks Evelyn if a spirit you may conjur up could
refuse to leave after your done with them. Evelyn reminds us that
blood is the nectar of the Gods. Later in the hour a caller asks
Evelyn if the age of a voodoo doll matters and can you change the
intent of that doll. Art asks Evelyn how many people who think they
are in love are actually under a spell.
9/29/99 Wed/Thu
- 1st hour.... Gordon Lightfoot joins Art this hour and he
begins by telling us how he heard Art was playing some of his music on
the air and how he got into the music business. Art plays some of
'Sundown' and asks Gordon the meaning of some of the lyrics. Art asks
Gordon about inspiration, how he gets it, etc., and why it sometimes
comes from bad times. Gordon talks about his family and being on the
road, and some of the other celebrities he has worked with. Art and
Gordon talk about the different demeanor of Canadian concert goers
versus American concert goers. Art asks Gordon if he 'knows' when one
of his songs is going to be a hit.
- 2nd hour.... Paul Stonehill joins Art this hour. Paul is
researching Russian UFOlogy. They begin speaking of Yeltsin and how he
is just a figurehead. Paul feels there may be a takeover by one of the
Generals resulting in a military dictatorship, bringing back the iron
fist. Art asks Paul what Russia will do about it's foreign policy if
this was to happen. Paul and Art talk about Chernobyl.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Paul what the Russians knew about Roswell. Later
in the hour, Paul relates sightings reported from Russian ships over
the past years. Paul talks about 'swimmers' an alien form found
underwater. Paul discusses his book.
- 4th hour... Phone calls begin for Paul. A caller asks Paul why it is
important to him that UFOs be extra-terrestrial. Paul explains that he
feels there is something at the bottom of the ocean that is trying to
communicate with us. Another caller discusses his belief that the
aliens eat us after they use us for genetic testing. A caller asks
Paul if there is any truth to the rumor about a lunar base on the
- 5th hour.... Art talks about a story in the Portland Press Herald
about the state's government keeping a y2k readiness report secret.
(See Links page.) Another story Art mentions is about a giant souffle
rising toward the top of a tank of nuclear waste buried near Richmond.
Open Lines finishes out tonight's program.
9/28/99 Tue/Wed
- Welcome.... Art welcomes stations KODI in Cody, Wyoming, KIQQ in
California, WAAV in Wilmington N.C. and KSMR in Bismark, N.D.
- Art breezes through the news, reporting on E. Timor, the virus in New
York and a new law about how far a rape victim can go in suing her
- Tobacco.... Art calls a tobacco company (1-800-578-7453) so we can
hear the recording they play.
- New Life.... Scientists believe they will find new life if they drill
under the east Antarctic ice sheet.
- Art reads an email from a listener taking him to task about a response
he gave to a caller a few shows ago concerning his thoughts that our
country is the best system in the world.
- Open lines finishes out the first hour with Fritz being the first
caller talking about earth changes. Another caller mentions that Ed
Dames predicted something coming out of Africa a while ago, meaning
the virus now in New York.
- 2nd hour.... John Hogue joins Art this hour, he is a
Nostradamus expert and has a book out with a 1000 predictions for the
year 2000. John and Art begin by talking about Nostradamus' prediction
about darkness and whether that relates to y2k power grid failures.
Also discussed, Russian nuclear power plant testing for y2k, the stock
market, the big bang and our sun. Later in the hour, Art asks John if
there is to be an Armageddon will it likely begin in the middle east.
John talks about India being out of fresh water by 2025.
- 3rd hour.... John talks of Nostradamus seeing people not of this
Earth. Art asks John about the genetic revolution and gives him some
scenarios to ponder. A sexless society in the future is also
discussed. Later in the hour, Art and John talk about aging and
longevity. Art asks John how he can be sure that the predictions of
Nostradamus he passes on wouldn't influence a Saddam Hussein or Adolph
Hitler to do something different to harm the future. Also discussed is
all the possible prophets that could come back.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls are taken this hour with the first caller
asking about the illuminati and Nostradamus. Later in the hour, John
tells us some of his predictions about global warming and hurricanes.
- 5th hour.... Art asks John if he has ever felt that he himself is a
prophet. John agrees with Art when Art says we are in for a wild ride
from now until the spring of 2000. John tells Art of prophecies that
back up Art's earlier statement about America being the best country
in the world. Phone calls continue for John and Art. A caller reads a
y2k story from the early edition.
9/27/99 Mon/Tue
- Replay... Gordon Michael Scallion
9/26/99 Sun/Mon
- Host Philip Clarke is joined by Arielle Ford, author of books about
angel stories, healings and miracles. Arielle begins by telling us her
book almost wasn't to be because the publisher thought it would anger
those with Christian beliefs. Phillip and Arielle talk about the lack
of good short stories out there anymore. After the bottom of the hour
break, Phillip ask Arielle to tell us about her studies in palmestry
and astrology.
- 2nd hour.... Arielle relates a few of her stories from her book, one
about a statue drinking milk. Arielle talks about a Dr. friend of hers
that does regressions and relates a story of a lady regressed back to
the moment of her birth. Phillip tells us a story he heard long ago
about an ancient rich merchant and his servant who saw death in the
market place. Arielle asks the audience to send her their mystical
travel stories. Phone calls are taken after the bottom of the hour
- 3rd hour.... A caller tells us a story about the miraculous power of
laughter. Later in the hour, a caller calls in to confirm the story
about the statue drinking milk. Arielle talks about the cave in New
Mexico that has extra-terrestrial art work in it. Phillip tells
Arielle that the art is actually from a very old earthly civilization.
This is Arielle's last hour with Phillip.
- 4th hour.... Phillip has open lines for the remainder of the program.
The first caller talks about how laughter saved her life. Religions
seem to be the main topic discussed this hour.
- 5th hour.... The first caller in this hour asks Phillip if he can ask
his audience to call in if they have any info on Russell Silver
syndrome, a dwarfing syndrome. Paganism and other religions are again
discussed with callers.
9/26/99 Dreamland
- Howe.... Linda Howe begins the program tonight with a story
about microbes and melting glaciers. Linda reports NASA has released
new pictures that are on her website. A virus from a bird has been
identified as the cause of the encephalitis outbreak in New York.
- After the bottom of the hour break, Dr. Roger Leir, back from
Europe with new information about the French report, plays an audio
interview of one of it's authors
- 2nd hour.... Chris Wyatt, a TV producer, joins Dr. Leir and
Whitley with some new revelations. After the bottom of the hour break,
Chris plays an audio tape of a person discussing the photographs of
the face on Mars. Dr. Leir, Whitley and Chris take phone calls to
discuss the face and the recent loss of the Mars orbiter.
- 3rd hour.... Michael Lindemann, CNI News director, joins
Whitley to talk about the stunning wave of sightings that is sweeping
the world. Michael talks about an event that happened last week, where
he received a fax from futurist John Peterson, which was a copy of a
letter sent to Dr. Steven Greer. Michael reads the letter, which
relates to last Friday night's Coast to Coast AM.
9/25/99 Sat/Sun
- Y2K.... Hilly tells us of rumors about Y2K computer viruses.
- Steve Kates, Dr. Sky, joins Hilly to discuss the triangle
shapes astronomers are seeing in the sky. Also how to watch MIR fall
back into the atmosphere. Steve says the triangular objects are not
listed on the charts available that track all devices orbiting in
space. At this point, Steve has no explanation for the objects. Steve
tells us the Russians plan to deactivate the auto pilot on MIR in the
spring of 2000 so the space station will renter the Earth's atmosphere
and burn up over the ocean. Hilly asks Dr. Sky about the possibility
of a super solar flare before taking phone calls.
- 2nd hour.... Jan Lamprecht, author of "Hollow Planet"
joins Hilly to discuss possible hollow planets, Earth, Mercury and
Venus. Jan begins by talking about anomalies of the moon and all the
speculation about the moon before the Apollo programs began. Hilly and
Jan discuss Haley, of Haley's comet and his theories. Later in the
hour, Jan talks about how to figure the rotation of a planet and
discusses Mercury and the activity on this planet.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly asks Jan a question from a listener about measuring
Earthquakes if the earth is hollow. Jan discusses early explorers and
the theory of the poles being hollow. Jan says if the Earth is hollow
than every planet in the solar system is hollow. Phone calls are
- 4th hour.... Phone calls continue. A caller asks Jan about the theory
that Venus was spewed out by Jupiter. Another caller asks Jan about
'rods' the two dimensional beings talked about on the program in the
past. Later in the hour, Jan talks a little about the exploration of
the North pole.
- 5th hour.... Hilly has open lines for the last hour.
9/24/99 Fri/Sat
- 1st hour.... UFO lobbyist, Steven Bassett and Dr. Steven
Greer of CSETI, join Art to discuss the meeting of Dr. Greer and
the ex- CIA Director Wolsey (sic). A phone number to call,
202-456-1111 24 hours a day, is the White House messaging system.
People who want to encourage our government to have congressional
hearings on the E.T. cover-up should start calling. Tell them you are
aware that they have been briefed with the CSETI material.
- 2nd hour.... Charles Ostman joins Art this hour to discuss
nanotechnology. There are two aspects, the physical tiny machines and
the biological nanotechnology, but Art starts by asking Charles his
outlook on Y2K. Later they discuss artificial intelligence and
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Charles about cancer and nanotechnological
viruses you can use to infect your enemies, and how to keep the
viruses from mutating. Later in the hour Art reads an article from the
Electronic Telegraph about genetics and ethnic cleansing for Charles'
- 4th hour.... The discussion turns to human evolution and chemtrails
and phone calls are taken for Charles.
- 5th hour.... Art has open lines for the last hour, he asks for your
opinion on Charles Ostman. Art mentions that NASA has abandoned the
search for the Mars orbiter and troops are searching homes for
suspected militiamen in E. Timor. Callers discuss Ramona's blue
ribbons and the Art Bell SETI team. Later in the hour, Art reads a
press release about a Y2K travel report.
9/23/99 Thu/Fri
- 1st hour.... 'Oh my God, they've killed the orbiter!' Richard Hoagland
joins Art this hour to discuss this. Art reads a story on the
disappearance of the orbiter just as it reached Mars. Art reminds us
that Ed Dames predicted that this would occur. NASA said mechanical
problems where ruled out and it was either human error or software
related. Art asks Richard what the difference is between human and/or
software, when the humans write the software. Richard thinks the
orbiter is still up there taking pictures of things NASA doesn't want
us to see. After the bottom of the hour break, Art tells Richard he
disagrees with him on this theory. Richard tells Art that he has been
working on a major motion picture with Paul David, who he is staying
with in California, about the face on Mars, and the script has been
sent to a major player in the film industry.
- 2nd hour.... The director of the new movie Stigmata, Rupert
Wainwright, joins Art for this hour only. Art asks Rupert why he
decided to do this film and to explain what stigmata actually means.
Rupert tells us that St. Francis of Assissi (sic) was the first to
experience stigmata. Art asks Rupert how this condition is explained
by the medical community. After the bottom of the hour break, Rupert
tells us of some of the feedback he has received about the movie. Art
asks him if there has been any outrage, and Rupert tells us about the
response he received from the Catholic League. Art asks Rupert the
Jodie Foster 'Contact' question he asks a lot of his guests, whether
he believes in the God of the bible.
- 3rd hour.... Art reads a fax he received today from Gordon Lightfoot
thanking him for playing his music and saying he'd like to be on the
show sometime. Art has arranged for him to be on sometime next week.
Art has open lines for the remainder of the program. Art talks a
little more about the loss of the Mars orbiter.
- Scallion.... Art reminds us that Gordon Michael Scallion said his next
appearance on Coast to Coast AM would be sometime in October because
events would warrant it. Art feels the recent quakes and the loss of
the orbiter may be those events.
- NEWS.... Art peruses the news.
- Hilton.... Hotelier Hilton is talking about the Bigelow project in the
press about shuttling to the moon.
- Cows.... 2 Navy Airman have been charged with shooting to death 7
pregnant cows. Art understands that we eat cows, but he doesn't
understand this at all.
- Merger.... Mindspring.com and Earthlink.net have merged to make them
the 2nd largest Internet provider in the world.
- 4th hour.... Art mentions a news story about an autopsy being
performed on an infant found in a microwave oven. Art talks with a
caller about the power of the mind. Another caller tells Art of his
theory of creation. After the bottom of the hour break, John Hogue
calls Art. He has written a book called 1000 predictions for 2000 and
he is a Nostradamus expert. John will be on the program next Tuesday.
- 5th hour... A caller asks Art about H.A.A.R.P. and a story in a
magazine about a satellite that melted a mile of ice in Alaska with a
laser beam. Art says bullhockey to the fact that there are no nuclear
weapons in space as per treaties. After the bottom of the hour break,
Art recaps the loss of the orbiter on it's way to Mars after reading a
fax from a listener with his own theory. Open lines continues with a
trucker relating her own Gordon Lightfoot story.
9/22/99 Wed/Thu
- 1st hour.... Colm Kelleher, from NIDS, joins Art in the first
hour. Colm has started a new project which he tells us about. A new
hotline has been established, staffed 24 hours a day. Art and Colm
discuss what Colm hopes to accomplish with his new project and why
NIDS would jump into this giant commitment. Later in the hour, Colm
and Art discuss how we limit our beliefs to what we can see. Colm
talks about taking dogs to 'hot spots' because they are so much more
preceptive than we.
- 2nd hour.... Richard Keininger joins Art this hour. He has
written a book with predictions involving storms, earthquakes, etc.
called "The Ultimate Frontier". He has something to say
about May 5th 2000. Art and Richard begin by discussing the recent
hurricane that devastated North Carolina and then discuss May 5th 2000
as the day all the planets will be aligned which is an earthquake
position. Later in the hour, Art asks Richard the loaded question, "Why
are human beings here".
- 3rd hour.... Art and Richard discuss the 7 different planes a human
body has. Phone calls are taken later in the hour.
- 4th hour.... Open lines finishes out the program tonight. Art talks
about Anthony Hopkins and his love for his movies and a caller has
tips on the cat experiment with the buttered toast strapped to the
cat's belly.
- 5th hour.... Art reads a letter from a listener relating some Y2K
concerns. Phone calls continue.
9/21/99 Tue/Wed
- 1st hour.... Hilly Rose is sitting in for Art tonight. Jim
Berkland will be joining Hilly. Earthquakes will be the topic for
tonight. Hilly asks Jim what open ended Richter scale means. Hilly
asks Jim if there is a possibility of us having a sunami here. Jim
tells us that since we have such greater reporting abilities it seems
like there are more earthquakes happening, but actually we are not.
- 2nd hour.... Hilly tells a personal story on how important the Art
Bell show is. Jim talks about the twice a month event of the sun moon
and earth lining up. Jim discusses the conditions of the tides on
12/22/99 and what may result.
- 3rd hour.... Earthquake predictions are discussed and phone calls are
taken. A caller asks about the filling of resevoirs and whether that
could trigger a quake. A caller asks Jim about someones predictions of
quakes during the next Olympics. Jim talks briefly of animals'
sensitivities to earthquakes.
- 4th hour.... Jim talks about the makeup of the Earth. A caller asks
Jim about the stability of Fresno, California. Jim talks about the
aftershocks now being felt in Taiwan. Hilly asks Jim the difference
between the epicenter and the hypocenter of an Earthquake. Hilly reads
some off the wall questions from listeners.
- 5th hour.... Phone calls continue with questions for Jim. Jim talks
about his newsletter.
9/19/99 Sun/Mon
- 1st hour.... Hilly begins by reading an email about Art Bell.
- Article.... Hilly reads a report on the anthrax vaccine.
- Violence.... Hilly reads an article about expected violence from cults
and hate groups due to Y2K.
- Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour... Paul Tice, an author of books about the triumphs
of the human spirit, joins Hilly to talk about spiritual rebels, from
Buddha to Jesus to Joan of Arc, etc. After the bottom of the hour
break, Paul discusses Ghandi.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly and Paul talk about the exercises Paul has in his
book to help you bring out that part within you that is the real you.
Paul talks about Christa Murdy (sic), a young man in India groomed to
be a prophet. Phone calls are taken.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls continue with questions about the Hindus.
Another caller has questions about Paul's statement that Jesus did not
start his own religion.
- 5th hour.... Open Lines finishes out the program for tonight.
9/19/99 Dreamland
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe reports on more cattle mutilations
and strange lights in North Dakota. Linda plays an audio clip
interview with the owners of a mutilated bull that seems to have been
impaled on a barbed wire fence from above.
- Guest.... Marcia Schaefer, who calls herself an intergalactic
anthropologist, joins Whitley after the bottom of the hour break.
- 2nd hour.... Whitley and Marcia compare notes on their contact
experiences. Marcia talks about an intense visit she had in '97 right
after the "Phoenix Lights" incident.
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls are taken this hour.
9/18/99 Sat/Sun
- 1st hour.... Hilly goes through the news: A story out of Britain says
a small comet impact on Earth is the most likely extra-terrestrial
type of object that could kill millions of people.
- Y2K.... Hilly has one Y2K story about medicaid.
- Clinton.... Hilly discusses a statement by Clinton in regards to the
shooting in Fort Worth.
- McNichol.... The state of Oklahoma will pay for Terry McNichol's
- Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Rupert Sheldrake who has done a massive research
project and authored a book on the powers of animals joins Hilly.
Rupert actually begins with an update on Terrence McKenna's condition.
Hilly and Rupert discuss how pets know when you are on the calling end
of a ringing phone in the home. Later in the hour, Rupert talks about
animals' sense of direction.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly and Rupert discuss a section of the book about dogs
and telepathy. Animals who alert people to danger is discussed and
phone calls are taken.
- 4th hour.... A caller and Rupert discuss parrots and their
sensitivities to human moods. Phone calls continue.
- 5th hour.... Rupert talks about dogs and their sensitivities to the
dead. Animals who react prior to earthquakes and discussed as phone
calls continue. Snakes are discussed also.
9/16/99 Thu/Fri
- 1st hour... Peter Davenport joins Art tonight with updates and
new info. Peter has been working on 3 major situations for the last
month. The first audio clip Peter plays is from a police officer in
Oregon describing what he saw September 1st. Later in the hour, Peter
tells us that the earlier story about a Russian booster rocket
re-entering the atmosphere is proving false. Peter plays an audio clip
from a witness in Spokane, WA who sighted a fireball. Art asks Peter
is he believes there is E.T. visitation taking place.
- Guest.... Dr. Steven Greer, from CSETI joins Art this hour.
Art asks Steven if he shares Peter's feeling that E.T. visitation is
taking place. Steven talks of numerous 'triangle' sightings. Steven
tells us a story about a friend of his who had an OBE and his astral
body bumped into a space craft.
- 3rd hour.... Steven talks about abductees. Art asks Steven about some
of Carl Sagan's ideas. Later in the hour, Art asks Steven about Peter
Gersten and whether he would have allowed himself to be deposed.
Steven talks about 'unacknowledged projects'.
- 4th hour.... Steven describes an orb he witnessed fly into the bay
window of a room he occupied and a being emerge from it. Later in the
hour, Steven ponders about the unity of technology and spirituality.
Art and Steven talk about Clinton's question about UFOs when he first
entered office.
- 5th hour.... Open lines completes the last hour of the program.
9/15/99 Wed/Thu
- 1st hour.... Art begins with an update on hurricane Floyd.
- Shooting.... Art talks about the shooting in a Baptist church in Ft.
Worth Texas. Art reads a fax from a listener pointing out that these
shootings are always aimed at our youth.
- Calls.... Art asks people in the path of hurricane Floyd to call him
they still have a phone.
- Suit.... Art tells us of a caller he had about a year ago who was
building a suit that would allow someone to travel in the center of a
hurricane. He got a fax from him tonight that he reads.
- Hong Kong.... There is a monster typhoon ready to hit Hong Kong.
- Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour. Later in the
hour, Art reads a fax from a psychologist regarding peoples actions
during hurricane preparations and evacuations.
- 2nd hour.... Whitley Strieber joins Art this hour and the
discussion begins with Floyd. Later in the hour, Art and Whitley
discuss recent tornados. Art takes a few calls from people in North
- 3rd hour.... Art continues with Whitley and a caller from 'ground
zero' discussing hurricane Floyd.
- 4th hour.... Art reads the most recent weather report. The biggest
peacetime evacuation in U.S. history is underway. Whitley talks about
project H.A.A.R.P. Later in the hour, Whitley talks about channeling.
- 5th hour.... Art begins this hour talking about collective
concentration and cloud busting. Open lines finishes out tonight's
9/14/99 Tue/Wed
- This is an open lines night and the first hour centers around
hurricane Floyd.
- Some of the topics are cats, predictions, Floyd and a caller claiming
to be a Goddess of Fertility.
- The "Somewhere in Time' reunion is discussed with a caller.
- Art reads a report from Rueters about legalizing mercy killing.
9/12/99 Sun/Mon
- Philipe Clarke hosts tonight with Keith Russell Ablow,
M.D., a forensic psychiatrist and author, as his guest. The topic
will revolve around the thinking of violent criminals and the root of
evil. Philipe begins by asking Keith about Hitler.
- 2nd hour.... Philipe asks Keith if he has ever run across someone who
enjoys doing bad things. Phone calls are taken.
- 3rd hour.... Philipe and Keith talk about jealousy and other emotions
that dictate behavior. Later in the hour, Keith talks about the old
saying, the sins of the father...
- 4th/5th hour.... Technical difficulties causes the connection with
Keith to be lost, but phone calls continue on the same topic.
9/12/99 Sun Dreamland
- Howe.... Animal mutilations are a part of Linda Moulton howe's weekly
report tonight. Audio clips describing the mutilations are played.
- Guest.... Steven Sora, author of "The Lost Treasures of
the Knights Templar, takes us on a hunt for the fabled treasure that
centers on an enigmatic island off Nova Scotia, a treasure that may
contain not just valuables, but the hidden truth of the true nature of
Christ and the hidden history of mankind.
- 2nd hour.... Steven and Whitley talk about the Money Pit and Native
American influences on the New World. Later in the hour, Steven talks
about the Sinclair family who date back to the 11th century and their
connection to the Knights Templar.
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls are taken this hour for Steven.
9/11/99 Sat/Sun
- 1st hour.... Hilly welcomes WRKO in Boston, MA. then goes into his Y2K
report. John Rappoport, an investigative reporter, joins Hilly
to discuss new info on the Waco incident. Hilly reads a report from
Texas officials about not releasing previous reports because they
contained military secrets.
- 2nd hour.... Hilly talks with a well known UFOlogist from Mexico, Jaime
Maussan who has many sightings to report. Later in the hour Jaime
tells us of a government camera that caught an image of a UFO.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly asks Jaime about the volcanos in Mexico and whether
he feels some of these UFOs come from them. Hilly asks Jaime about the
Mexican air force and whether they chase the sightings like we do.
- 4th hour... Jaime tells us of a crew that came to a volcano in Mexico
from the Discovery Channel that had an incredible sighting and then
did not mention it in their ensuing broadcast. Phone calls are taken.
- 5th hour.... Jaime talks about the changes of attitudes within the
church concerning UFOs. Jaime briefly discusses his experiences with
chupacobras. Phone calls continue.
9/09/99 Thu/Fri
- 1st hour.... Peter Davenport joins Art this hour and he begins
with an audio clip of a man from Florida reporting a sighting from
last Tuesday night when all this activity began. This witness joins
peter and Art on the air to elaborate on his sighting. A clip from a
woman in St. Petersburg is played describing her being awakened in the
middle of the night by balls of light. Peter relates new info on the
sightings in the Northwest last September 1st.
- 2nd hour.... Astronaut Gordon Cooper joins Art for this hour
and next and Art begins by asking him why he became a test pilot. Art
ask Gordon about his last Mercury mission and the loss of all the
electronics. Later in the hour Art and Gordon discuss why we have not
gone back to the moon in the last 30 years.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Gordon about experiencing weightlessness. Art
and Gordon discuss the saucer shape and why we should have been using
this technology and how aerodynamics works with this shape. Later in
the hour, Art asks Gordon about the audio clips played in the first
- 4th hour.... Art replays the interview from the first hour with the
Pastor from Florida who witnessed a UFO. Peter Davenport and the
Pastor join Art on the air also. Later in the hour Art begins open
- 5th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener in Tucson relating a
sighting. A caller from late in the last hour continues with Art to
discuss some strange activity around Donaldson Air Force base in North
Carolina. This same caller talks about trucks taking loads from
Donaldson center into the Arizona desert. Open lines continue.
9/08/99 Wed/Thu
- Award.... Art did not win the "Sexiest Voice in America"
award. He placed second.
- Emergency.... Art tells us there is a family emergency going on in his
family right now and may have to leave the program early.
- Moscow.... An explosion in Moscow destroyed an apartment building.
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art to discuss a crop circle
found in Canada. A diagram is available on the front page. The farmer
who owns the crop describes the scene.
- 2nd hour.... Betty Eadie joins Art this hour to discuss her
books and her Near Death Experience. She begins by describing how she
died. Betty describes heaven and hell.
- 3rd hour.... There is a beach mystery happening in Maine that Art
tells us about.
- Betty continues with Art and they discuss how scientists feel NDE's
has to do with a chemical in the brain. Betty talks about cell memory.
Art asks Betty what the current state of the 'collective' is. Betty
tells us that she did not want to come back to Earth and she told this
to Jesus as she knelt before him. She describes how she did come back
and entering her body. Betty talks about how she would not mind dying
because she wants to go back there , but her family doesn't like her
talking like that.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls are taken this hour. Art tells Betty about "Sarah's"
NDE that has been discussed on Coast to Coast many times. A caller ask
Betty about the scripture in the Bible about the dead knowing nothing
about the living.
- 5th hour.... In response to a fax from a listener, Betty tells us of
the demons that surrounded her hospital bed after she reentered her
body and what it meant. Phone calls for Betty continues throughout the
remainder of the program.
9/07/99 Tue/Wed
- 1st hour.... Art tells us that David Oates has published a terrible
thing about Art's son and Art says there will be extremely serious
- WACO.... Senator Danforth will be looking into the Waco incident. Art
hopes it will be a independent, honest study
- Merger.... Viacom has merged with CBS.
- Quake.... An earthquake in Athens, Greece has 35 dead and hundreds
missing. Art reminds us that John Nordberg predicted this last week on
the program.
- Guest.... Peter Davenport joins Art to discuss what has been
happening in our skies in the last week. Peter begins with an audio
clip from last Thursday night of a pilot in Oregon who has a sighting
to report. After the bottom of the hour break, Peter talks about the
amount of energy it would take to illuminate the desert as was
reported last week.
- 2nd hour.... Russell Targ joins Art in this hour. Russell is a
physicist and author. Art and Russell begin discussing Russell's
research on ESP. Art tells Russell about an experiment he did a couple
years ago, testing remote viewing, about hiding an object in his home
and asking listeners to draw a picture of it.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Russell about his involvement in creating
lasers. Art asks Russell what capabilities we have reached with laser
technology. Russell is a little evasive on this due to security. Art
asks Russell how he makes the transition from lasers to remote viewing
and ESP. After the hour of the break, Russell and Art discuss Carl
Sagan, surrendering your ego, and Russells' opinion on God.
- 4th hour.... Art goes to a caller in Florida who has a sighting to
report and Art asks Russell about the recent events. Phone calls are
taken in this hour. In response to a caller, Russell talks about
- 5th hour.... Phone calls continue with a caller asking Russell if he
is comparable to Ed Dames. After the break, Art asks Russell if he
believes Jesus of the bible walked the earth and whether scientists
would find different DNA in Jesus' body. Art asks Russell about James
9/06/99 Mon/Tue REPLAY
- Seth Shostak from 7/28 on Astronomy
9/05/99 Sun/Mon w/Hilly Rose
- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Reporter regarding WACO
- Rand Flem-Ath, Ancent map of Egypt showing Atlantis was in
9/05/99 Dreamland w/Whitley Strieber
- 1st hour.... Linda Howe reports on a chemical analysis of a
crop circle in Kansas, along with an audio clip of Ted Phillips
relating his experience. After the bottom of the hour break, Dr.
Roger Leir joins Whitley, who is calling from the UFO Expo in
- 2nd hour.... A.J. Gevaerd, Leading Brazilian UFO Investigator,
joins Whitley and Dr. Leir, and brings us up to date on the latest in
this hottest of all UFO hotspots, including the recent 'giant
triangle' case, the multiple witness cases, and the chilling case of
an apparent alien capture by the Brazilian military.
- 3rd hour.... Robert Dean, former NATO intelligence operative,
joins Whitley this hour to discuss his startling new findings about
the UFO cover-up.
9/04/99 Sat/Sun w/Hilly Rose
- Guest.... Dr. Ann Tracy, International Coalition for Drug
- How prozac and its sisters creates killers such as Littleton, LA day
center shooter, and many other case examples.
9/03/99 Fri/Sat REPLAY
- Guest..... Albert Taylor from 7/20
9/02/99 Thu/Fri
- Death.... Art talks about William Pfeiffer, creator of the radio
broadcasting USENET newsgroup, who died in a car accident Wednesday
- Lawsuit.... Art discusses the latest developments in his ongoing
- Last night.... Art recaps last nights program which ended up being
about objects traversing the skies and reviews some of the ensuing
stories that have been published today.
- Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Joyce Reily joins Art this hour. She begins with
an update on the Gulf War Syndrome and agent orange. She talks about
our military personnel begin used in experiments without their
knowledge. After the bottom of the hour break, Joyce talks about a new
parasite preying on Gulf War veterans.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Joyce to tell us what info she has on WACO that
has not been published yet. Joyce tells us of a source she has that
was stationed at Fort Hood, which armed the Apache helicopters used at
WACO. After the bottom of the hour break, Joyce tells Art how she was
labeled a terrorist after she broke the story about Gulf War Syndrome.
Joyce tells us that we probably have not been told the truth about the
Oklahoma City bombing and that Terry Nichols still hasn't received a
- 4th hour.... Joyce talks about a enlisted man, who was applying for
warrant officer, that had to sign a statement that he would be willing
to open fire on American citizens. Joyce talks about Operation Urban
Warrior. Phone calls are taken later in this last hour with the guest.
- 5th hour.... This is an open lines hour.
9/01/99 Wed/Thu
- Dennis.... Tropical storm Dennis has stalled.
- Fires.... Still smokey in Art's valley.
- FBI.... Federal Marshalls were dispatched to the FBI headquarters to
impound previously undisclosed evidence in the '93 Waco assault.
- Accident.... The drunk driver who killed 27 children in a head on
crash was released from prison today after 9 and 1/2 years and will be
able to get a driver's license.
- Tanzinea (sic).... A charter plane has crashed with 10 Americans
- Viruses.... Art reads a story about deadly prehistoric viruses that
may be frozen beneath the polar ice caps.
- Head... Art elaborates on last night's head transplant story. A
listener sent Art a list of humorous questions about a human head
transplant which Art reads.
- Clock.... A futurist group plans to build a millennium clock in the
Nevada desert.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Peter Gersten of CAUS joins Art tonight. CAUS
files its historic and precedent setting legal initiative in the U.S.
District court in Phoenix. Peter will discuss the events and
circumstances that led him to file this controversial and
unprecedented lawsuit against both the federal government and the
State of Arizona using the U.S. Constitution as the basis.
- UFO.... After the bottom of the hour break, Peter Davenport
joins Art to discuss what streaked across the western skies just
moments ago, the power is out in Art's area. Peter reports multiple
objects sighted by observers going from the northwest to southeast.
- 3rd hour.... Art has gotten reports that the objects being sighted are
Russian booster rockets reentering early and unexpectantly. Power went
out in northern Arizona also, same time as the object reentered. Peter
continues with Art. After the bottom of the hour break, Peter Gersten
returns to discuss the lawsuit.
- 4th hour.... Peter Davenport returns with some reports to contradict
the Russian Booster rocket theory. Peter plays an audio clip of the
sighting, an object streaking, then making a u-turn and going the
opposite way. Peter says a ham radio operator reports a strange
signal, which Art checks out on his radio. Another audio clip from
Utah is played, with a girl relating the sighting of a ball of light
that stopped and split into four parts. Another clip from Utah reports
jet activity.
- 5th hour.... Art reads a press release from Edwards Air Force Base
explaining the jet activity. Peter Davenport continues with Art for a
few minutes, then Peter Gersten resumes with Art. Phone calls for
Peter and Art finish out the program.