Home Employment Resources
03/31/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Bart Sibrel
In A Funny Thing Happened On The way To The Moon, Bart Sibrel uncovered a
31-year old, mislabeled, unedited reel of footage that provides evidence
that the Apollo moon walk was a hoax -- Apollo 11 never made it beyond the
earth's orbit. Bart Sibrel has been making moving image productions for
thirteen years. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, his national credits include
work for NBC, CNN, The Nashville Network (TNN), The Learning Channel (TLC),
and the Discovery Channel. His awards from the American Motion Picture
Society include Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and two Top Ten awards.
He has also won Videomaker's Magazine's Best Drama award.
Movie: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
Website: www.moonmovie.com
Topic Search: Apollo Hoax
03/30/01 - Fri/Sat
Mad Scientists Invited to Call Tonight
03/29/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Leland Gregory
Website: www.wacky911.com
Book: What's the Number for 911? America's Wackiest 911 Calls
Book: Great Government Goofs : Over 350 Loopy Laws, Hilarious Screw-Ups and Acts-Idents of Congress
Book: America's Dumbest Criminals : Based on True Stories from Law Enforcement Officials Across the Country
Topic Search: Dumb Criminals
03/28/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Philip Krapf
New Book: The Challenge of Contact
Book: The Contact Has Begun : The True Story of a Journalist's Encounter With Alien Beings
Website: www.TheChallengeofContact.com
Topic Search: Alien Contact
03/27/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Matt Stein
Book: When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance and Planetary Survival
WebSite: www.whentechfails.com
Topic Search: Technology Failures
03/26/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Harvey Wasserman
Book: The Last Energy War: The Battle over Utility Deregulation
Topic Search: Alternative Energy
03/25/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnet
Guest: Carol Bowman
Carol Bowman explains the newly discovered phenomenon of same-family
reincarnation-grandfathers returning as their own great-grandsons, uncles
returning as their own nieces, mothers switching places with their own
daughters-and the most astonishing cases where children who die tragically
young return to the same mother within a few years. Carol Bowman is the
world's premiere spokesperson in the field of children's past lives.
Book: Return From Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family
Website: www.childpastlives.org
Topic Search: Children's Past Lives
03/24/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Alex Lukeman, Ph.D.
Alex Lukeman has been helping people explore their dreams for more than
twenty years. A near-death experience in 1975 changed the direction of his
life and opened the way to an extensive study of dreams, psychology and the
mystery of human consciousness. Dr. Lukeman brings a varied and eclectic
life experience to his work. In years past he has been a member of the U.S.
Marine Corps, a professional musician, a fantasy writer and a Rolf
practitioner. All of these occupations helped prepare him for his current
work as a writer and psychotherapist.
Book: Nightmares: How to Make Sense of Your Darkest Dreams
Book: Sleep Well, Sleep Deep
Book: What Your Dreams Can Teach You
Website: www.alexlukeman.com
Website: www.frii.com/~tigrnest
Topic Search: Nightmares
03/23/01 - Fri/Sat
Time Traveler and Anti-Christ Callers Welcome tonight.
Image: The Devil in Politics
Topic Search: Time Travel
Topic Search: Anti-Christ
03/22/01 - Thurs/Fri
Guest: Steve "Dr.Sky" Kates
MSNBC: Countdown to Mir's Fall
CNN: Live Telemetry Updates
Website: Countdown to MIR De-Orbit
Topic Search: Mir
Guest: Dr. Eugene Mallove
Infinite Energy Magazine
Book: Nuclear Transmutation; The Reality of Cold Fusion
Book: The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel
Book: Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
Website: www.infinite-energy.com
Related Website: www.blacklightpower.com
Topic Search: Infinite Energy
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Founder of The Enterprise Mission
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Topic Search: Face On Mars
03/21/01 - Wed/Thurs
Guest: Linda Howe
Earthfiles reporter and editor, Linda M. Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author. Her most recent book, "Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles", includes her research into accounts of crop circles, accompanied by lights and crackling sounds over the past two years.
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
Book: Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms
Book: Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
Website: www.earthfiles.com
Topic Search: Animal Mutilations
03/20/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Ginny Porter and Diane Burney
Website: www.earthrelease.com
Topic Search: Remote Energy Clearing
03/19/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Dr. Seth Shostak
Astronomer and SETI expert (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), with news on ET and the SETI Institute, which is the real-life basis for the story portrayed in the movie "Contact".
Book: Sharing the
Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
Website: www.seti.org
Topic Search: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
03/18/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnet
Guest: Rabbi David Aaron
Rabbi Aaron is Founder & Dean of Isralight. He is also a personal spiritual
mentor and an accomplished matchmaker. A rabbi of many talents - a pianist,
composer, and poet; he has become a popular lecturer in the United States
and Canada and a frequent guest on radio and TV. He lives in the Old City of
Jerusalem with his wife and six children.
Website: www.isralight.org
Topic Search: Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism
03/17/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Andrew Fraknoi
In the last few decades, astronomers have found that behind the peaceful
appearance of the night sky, there lies a universe of unimaginable violence.
Andrew Fraknoi will be talking about some of the most potent examples of
cosmic violence: Potentially Hazardous Asteroids, black holes, and cannibal
galaxies. Andrew Fraknoi chairs the astronomy program at Foothill College.
For 14 years, he served as executive director of the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific, where he also edited their popular magazine and newsletter for
teachers. The International Astronomical Union named Asteroid 4859
"Asteroid Fraknoi" to recognize his many contributions to popularizing
Book: Voyages Through the Universe
Book: Universe at Your Fingertips
Book: More Universe at Your Fingertips
Website: www.harcourtcollege.com/astro/fraknoi
Website: www.aspsky.org
Topic Search: The Violent Universe
03/16/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Robert Steensen
EMail: projectrainbow2000@yahoo.com
Related Website: www.dekaresearch.com
Article: Wired Magazine
Topic Search: Dean Kamen
Guest: Dr. Jonathan Reed
Website: www.OdysseyLink.net
Photos: Reed Photos of Alien and Artifacts
Related Website: www.aliendestiny.com
Topic Search: Jonathan Reed
03/15/01 - Thur/Fri
Guest: Dr. Evelyn Paglini
Website: www.mysticalblend.com
Topic Search: Natural Magic
03/14/01 - Wed/Thur
Guest: William Thomas
News: Conspiracy theories find menace in contrails
Images: Contrails from Around the Country
Website: www.lifeboatnews.com
Topic Search: Contrails
03/13/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Dr. Richard L. Thompson
Book: Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
WebSite: www.sacreduniverse.com
Book: Forbidden Archeology
WebSite: nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu/~ghi/fa.html
Topic Search: Sacred Archeology
03/12/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: David B. Sereda
Images: NASA's UFOs
Related News: The truth is out there
Guest: James Oberg
Website: jamesoberg.com
03/11/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Dr. Michael Gross
Dr. Michael Gross studied chemistry and chemical engineering and received
his doctorate in physical biochemistry from the University of Regensburg,
Germany. After seven years of research in protein biochemistry at the
University of Oxford, he has recently switched to writing full time.
Book: Travels To The Nanoworld: Miniature Machinery in Nature and Technology
Book: Life On The Edge: Amazing Creatures Thriving in Extreme Environments
Topic Search: Miniature Machinery
03/11/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Lorenzo Carcaterra
In 1988 Carcaterra worked as a creative consultant on the syndicated
television series Cop Talk. That led to a job as Managing Editor of the CBS
weekly series Top Cops, which ran for four seasons from 1990 to 1994. It
was during this period that Carcaterra wrote his two memoirs: A Safe Place
and Sleepers. His latest novel, Gangster, was optioned by producer Joe Roth
and is slated to air as a four-hour mini-series for ABC during the 2001
television season.
Book: Gangster
Topic Search: Organized Crime
03/09/01 - Fri/Sat
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: James Gilliland
Book: Becoming Gods I: A Reunion With Source
Book: Becoming Gods II: Interdimensional Mind, Earth Changes & The Quickening, UFOs Their Origins & Intentions
Website: www.cazekiel.org
Topic Search: Earth Changes
03/08/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Here are some video clips from NBC, the first is a portion of the statement John Glenn
made on Fraiser, the second is from an interview of Glenn about his appearance.
Real Video: Glenn on Fraiser (Hi-Speed) (Lo-Speed)
Real Video: Glenn Interviewed (Hi-Speed) (Lo-Speed)
Here is our transcript of the full statement.
Website: NBCI Frasier Page
Guest: Dennis J. McKenna
Brother of Terence McKenna
Website: www.heffter.org
Website: www.naturalproducts.org
Website: www.truehallucinations.com
Topic Search: Recreational Drugs
03/07/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Brian Alexander
Article: (You)2
Topic Search: Cloning
03/06/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Images: Glass Tunnels of Mars
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Topic Search: Face On Mars
03/05/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Kathleen Keating
Website: Keating Reveals the Anti-Christ
Book: The Final Warning
Website: www.finalwarningthebook.com
Topic Search: Religious Prophecy
03/04/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Kevin Randle
Kevin D. Randle is a professional writer who, for more than twenty years,
has been studying the UFO phenomenon. Training by the Army as a helicopter
pilot, and by the Air Force as an intelligence officer, provides Randle with
a unique insight into the operations of the military, their investigations
of UFOs, and into the phenomenon that has puzzled people since the Kenneth
Arnold UFO sighting in June 1947.
Books: List of Author's Titles
Topic Search: Military Investigation UFOs
03/03/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Dr. Charles Pellegrino (Replay from 10/14)
Dr. Charles Pellegrino is a
paleontologist, astrobiologist, archaeologist, and invertebrate zoologist.
He is an expert on paleogenetics and entomology who designs robotic space
probes and relativistic rockets. Arthur C. Clarke has called him "the world's
first astropalentologist" Stephen J. Gould "a space scientist who occasionally
looks down." During the 1970's, he and Jesse A. Stoff developed the
original concept of ocean in the ice satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, which became
a basis for Arthur C. Clarke's sequels to "2001: A Space Odyssey"
Pellegrino's dinosaur cloning recipe provided the scientific basis for Michael
Chrichton's Jurrassic Park.
Book: Ghosts of the Titanic
Book: Unearthing Atlantis (Pre-Order)
Book: Her Name, Titanic: The Untold Story of the Sinking and Finding of the Unsinkable Ship
Book: Chariots for Apollo: Untold Story Behind the Race to the Moon
Book: Dust
Book: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Topic Search: Paleogenetics and Entomology
Guest: Bob Rogers and Aann Golemac (Replay from 8/19/00)
The current sightings on the USS Hornet
Website: www.uss-hornet.org
Topic Search: Ghost Ships
03/02/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Sean David Morton
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
Topic Search: Futurist
03/01/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Brittany Petros
House Guest on CBS Big Brother
Website: www.bigbtv.com/brittany.html
Website: www.brittsofficialsite.com
Topic Search: Big Brother
Guest: Burt Kearns
Producer for Strange Universe
Book: Tabloid Baby
Website: www.tabloidbaby.com
Topic Search: Reality TV
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archive streaming audio.
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