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Erosion of Respectability - Posted Jul 02, 2001

Philippine Daily Inquirer

Article regarding Mr. Art Bell

To whom it may concern:

The erosion of the Philippine Daily Inquirer's respectability as a reliable media source is at stake by the unethical journalistic reporting by one of it's employees. This employee, a Miss Leah Salterio, has violated true investigative reporting as taught to students of academic courses in journalism. I wish to inquire as to Miss Salterio's credentials and I wonder how well she did in the journalism courses she needed to complete her degree. From the evidence at hand, it appears that, unfortunately for your newspaper's reputation, she was an inadequate student.

I am not a journalist, but I am a student who excels at whatever I endeavor, and it was very easy for me to trace out a few facts that prove Miss Salterio's story as unfounded. The fact that it was not difficult causes me to question Miss Salterio's motive.

My research indicates that journalistic writing of material in newspapers and magazines is composed of direct presentation of facts while generally avoiding attempts to critique and pass judgment on the subject of focus.

I reiterate, Miss Salterio has violated true journalistic reporting by not researching her material, strongly critiquing nonfactual information, and then passing judgment on an innocent victim. Miss Salterio is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and responsible for causing innumerable harm to Mr. Art Bell and his family.

I support whatever legal steps the respected professional, Mr. Art Bell, is currently investigating. The irresponsible behavior of media reporting that causes damage to the lives of innocent people must be held accountable and payable. I sincerely hope your newspaper retracts this damaging, untrue story concerning Mr. Art Bell. I also hope that Miss Salterio apologizes to Mr. Bell and reports her stories with more competence in the future.


Lorraine King


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