02/29/00 Tue/Wed LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Harold Ort
- Publisher of Popular Communications Magazine
- Website: www.popular-communications.com
02/28/00 Mon/Tue LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Stan Tenen
- The Meru Foundation
- Book: The Sacred Geometry of Genesis and the Alphabet
- Website: www.meru.org
- Website: www.meetingtent.com/
02/27/00 Sun/Mon LIVE Host Peter Weissbach |
- Dr. Melvin Morse
- Book: Closer to the Light: Learning from Near Death Experiences of Children
- Book: Transformed by the Light: The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences on People's Lives
- Book: Embraced by the Light
- Website: www.melvinmorse.com
2/27/00 Dreamland LIVE Host: Whitley Strieber |
- Physical Evidence of Alien Abductions
- Website: www.abduct.com/aaer2/r9.htm
- William Buhlman
- America's leading expert on OBEs tells the riveting story of his travels to
other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques so you can too.
- Book: Adventures Beyond the Body
- Website: www.Mach1audio.com/out-of-body/
2/26/00 Sat/Sun Encore Replay: Art Bell |
- Lawrence Notts from 2/17/00
- He lives in a house haunted by a ghost named Taz.
- Kathleen Keating from 2/2/00
- Associate and close friend of the late Fr. Malachi Martin
- Book: Order Book Direct at 877-620-BOOK
- Website: www.finalwarningthebook.com
02/25/00 Fri/Sat LIVE Host Rollye James |
- W. Adam Mandlebaum
- Discussion of mind control techniques
- Book: The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex
- Website: roads.to/PSYSPY/
02/24/00 Thu/Fri LIVE Host: Art Bell |
Seth Shostak
- SETI Institute
- Book: Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
- Website: SETI WebCam
- Website: www.seti.org
02/23/00 Wed/Thu LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Ghost to Ghost
- Nutin' But Ghost Stories from Callers
02/22/00 Tue/Wed LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Beverly Jaegers
- Book: The Psychic Paradigm
- Book: Beyond Palmistry: The Art and Science of Modern Hand Analysis
- Book: The Human Aura: How I Teach My Students to See It
- Website: www.uspsisquad.com
02/21/00 Mon/Tue LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Chip Proser and Jim Benson
- Private space exploration
- Website: spacecommand.org
- Website: www.spacedev.com
- Steve Kates (aka Dr Sky)
- Recent CME and Solar Storms
- Website: drsky.com
02/20/00 Sun/Mon LIVE Host Peter Weissbach |
- Dr. Samuel Sagan
- Book: Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences
- Book: Awakening the Third Eye
- Website: www.clairvision.org
2/20/00 Dreamland LIVE Host: Whitley Strieber |
- Dr. Peter Sturrock
- Book: The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence
- Supported by Laurance Rockefeller, analyzes the UFO enigma from the viewpoint of a highly
credentialed scientist.
02/19/00 Sat/Sun Best Of Art Bell |
- Peter Gersten from 2/16/00
- Website: www.caus.org
- Related Info: Judge Tells DOD to Cough it Up to CAUS!
- Harlot the Witch from 10/23/97
- Related Info: The Ghost in the Studio
02/18/00 Fri/Sat LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Danah Zohar
- Spiritual Intelligence is our access to and use
of meaning vision and value in the way that we think and the decisions we
- Book: SQ Connecting with our Spiritual Intelligence
- Book: Quantum Self: Human Nature and Consciousness Defined by the New Physics
- Book: The Quantum Society: Mind, Physics, and a New Social Vision
- Book: Rewiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations
- Website: www.dzohar.com
02/17/00 Thu/Fri LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Katia Romanoff & Lauri Quinn Loewenberg
- Website: thedreamzone.com
02/16/00 Wed/Thu LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Peter Gersten
- Website: www.caus.org
- Related Info: Judge Tells DOD to Cough it Up to CAUS!
- Peter Davenport
- National Director, National UFO Reporting Center
- Website: www.ufocenter.com
- Dr. Hugh Ross
- Book: The Genesis Question: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis
- Book: Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astronomy and Physics Reveal About the Nature of God
- Book: The Fingerprint of God: Recent Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Unmistakable Identity of the Creator
- Website: www.reasons.org
02/15/00 Tue/Wed LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Larry Dossey
- Book: Be Careful What You Pray For...You Just Might Get It
- Book: Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach
- Book: Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing
- Book: Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine
- Book: Prayer Is Good Medicine: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer
- Website: www.dosseydossey.com
02/14/00 Mon/Tue LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Open Lines
02/13/00 Sun/Mon LIVE Host Peter Weissbach |
- Michael McNulty
- Producer of "Waco: A New Revelation" a the film that triggered a new Congressional
investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse
their long-held positions on Waco.
- Website: www.waco-anewrevelation.com
- Ruth Mattson Taylor
- Ruth is in touch with her dead father, A.D. Mattason, who provides answers about our time after death
like, Is there a heaven? Is reincarnation a reality?
- Book: Evidence From Beyond: An insider's guide to the wonders of Heaven and Life in the New Millennium
2/13/00 Dreamland LIVE Host: Whitley Strieber |
- Christopher P. Dunn
- Tells how the great pyramid in Egypt was really used.
- Book: The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
- Website: www.gizapower.com
02/12/00 Sat/Sun Best Of Art Bell |
- Robert O. Dean from 5/7/98
- UFO researcher, retired Command Sergeant Major
from the U.S. Army and ex-intelligence analyst at NATO, on the existence of
E.T.s and UFOs.
02/11/00 Fri/Sat LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Dale Graff
- Former director and founder of the U.S. Government's
secret project STARGATE, a federally funded program which investigated and
used parapsychology to gather intelligence information.
- Book: River Dreams: The Case of the Missing General and Other Adventures in Psychic Research
- Website: www.chesapeake.net/~baygraff/
02/10/00 Thu/Fri LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.
- Website: www.accessnv.com/nids
- Matthew Alper
- Book: The God Part of The Brain
- Website: www.godpart.com
02/9/00 Wed/Thu LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Col John Alexander
- Website: www.RVconference.org
- Peter Davenport
- National Director, National UFO Reporting Center
- Website: www.ufocenter.com
02/8/00 Tue/Wed LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Peter Gersten
- Website: www.caus.org
- Related Info: Judge Reserves Decision on CAUS's Request
- Joel Rothschild
- Longest Surviving AIDS Patient
- Book: Signals: An Inspiring Story of Life After Life
02/7/00 Mon/Tue LIVE Host Rollye James |
- David Koerner & Simon LeVay
- Book: Here Be Dragons: The Scientific Quest for Extraterrestrial Life
02/6/00 Sun/Mon LIVE Host Neale Donald Walsch |
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 3
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 2
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 1
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue - Guidebook
- Charles Seife
- Science Journalist discusses the history of mathematics, science, philosophy and theology.
- Book: Zero: The Biography Of A Dangerous Idea
- Website: www.users.cloud9.net/~cgseife/
2/6/00 Dreamland LIVE Host: Whitley Strieber |
- Martin Teitel, PhD
- Will tell us why
our food has been genetically altered--without our consent--and with no
testing and no labeling--and what we can do about it.
- Book: Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Our Planet
02/5/00 Sat/Sun Best Of Art Bell |
- Ed Dames from 1/27/00
02/4/00 Fri/Sat LIVE Host Rollye James |
- Guy Finley
- Life of Learning Foundation
- Book: The Secret of Letting Go
- Book: Design Your Destiny: Shape Your Future in 12 Easy Steps
- Book: The Intimate Enemy: Winning the War Within Yourself
- Website: www.guyfinley.com
02/3/00 Thu/Fri LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Richard C. Hoagland
- Founder of The Enterprise Mission
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Website: Mission To Mars Website
- Dr Ronald Klatz
- Book: Stopping
the Clock: Why Many of Us Will Live Past 100 and Enjoy Every Minute!
- Book: Grow Young With HGH: The Amazing Medically Proven Plan to Reverse Aging
- Website: www.worldhealth.net
02/2/00 Wed/Thu LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Kathleen Keating
- Associate and close friend of the late Fr. Malachi Martin
- Book: Order Book Direct at 877-620-BOOK
02/1/00 Tue/Wed LIVE Host: Art Bell |
- Dr. R Leo Sprinkle
- UFO Investigator
- Book: Soul Samples: Personal Explorations in Reincarnation and UFO Experiences