Space Images


[IMAGE]The best "Hoagland Face on Mars" from Kynthia. Presented to Richard on April 25th, 1998, (Richard's Birthday) at the San Diego Art Bell Chat Club.


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The NEW Images from Cydonia

[IMAGE]In this comparison, the best Viking image has been enlarged to 3.3 times its original resolution, and the MOC image has been decreased by a similar 3.3 times, creating images of roughly the same size. The left image is a portion of the old Viking image, the middle image is a portion of the new MOC frame shown normally, and the right image is the same but with the contrast reversed. Courtesy of Malin Space Science Systems, where the originals for this comparison can be found.


[IMAGE] Here is the further enhanced image from the first pass of Mars Global Surveyor on April 5th, 1998, posted on JPL's website later in the day. The features are much better seen.


[IMAGE] Here is the first image from the first pass of Mars Global Surveyor on April 5th, 1998, posted on JPL's website on April 6th. Orbit: 220, Range: 444.21 km, Emission angle: 44.66 degrees, Incidence angle: 64.96 degrees, Phase angle: 61.97 degrees, Scan rate: ~0.1 degree/sec, Start time: periapsis + 375 sec


[IMAGE][IMAGE] Here are two images, one a sample image from Art's NOAA weather satellite system, showing a typical 'strip' of terrestrial photographic data. Second, here is a sample of the original 5.1 MB Mars Global Surveyor 'strip'. They've got some good image software to get the above images from this?


[IMAGE] The ORIGINAL Viking Orbiter image showing the supposed "Face on Mars", for reference.


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