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Alan Gates ( sends us:

This "creature" squirmed out of the bullet hole of a freshly killed pika here in Montana, we don't know what it is. My son went camping out at Monarch and hiked several miles into the woods with his friends.

Late at night they heard something out in the brush and having a 22 with them loaded it and got flashlights out and started looking towards where the noise was coming from. They spotted the pika and shot it one time in the abdomen. They then took it and sat it on a flat rock and kept the flashlights trained on it, thinking that something else might come to check the dead pika out . Soon they noticed this "creature" wiggling out of the bullet hole and grabbed a cup and once it was out of the pika put "it" in the cup with some water.

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This "creature" has a stinger at the slender end of it's body that would stick in and outÊ like a wasp and mouth parts with grabbing "teeth" at the fat end. It also had no eyes that we could see. It also had, in the mouth part, two holes in the mouth, I assume one hole for a "throat" and the other for bringing digestive fluids up to the grasping area .

This creature was Alive and not moving very much when I saw it the first time, until I suggested that they put it in warm,not hot , water. When my son put it in warm water that thing came ALIVE BIG TIME it was moving around like crazy and it seemed that the warm water made it think it was inside another animal and it was looking for something to attach its mouth to.

If any of your readers can identify this thing that would be great! The "creature" is dead now, we think, and the pics I have do not show the stinger, I wasn't about to get my fingers any where near that thing to take pics of it with my cam with that stinger and mouth going like it was and by the time they brought it back to me it had died and they had put it in everclear. My son didn't want me to cut it open and I wasn't to keen on the idea myself, I saw to many movies where those things come alive and attack the amateur scientist.