Ghost Gallery


NOTE: Remember folks, we don't insist any of these are real, but are posted for your enjoyment and consideration. We post what the submitter claims. We leave it up to you to decide what is real and what is phoney.

Leonard L. Hoboken, NJ writes again:

Here is the picture we took last week. We are getting the house ready for sale as I said, and now Mom shows up in the same staircase that Dad showed up in (SEE BELOW) when we took the remodeling pictures in 1995. She passed away three weeks ago, this picture was taken four days ago, I had second prints made and had them scan it for me so I could send it to the show.

I heard the show last night so I thought I would send you the picture of Mom right away, I wanted to make sure Keith would have time to post it before the web site goes down for good.

Also, I know the picture of my father's ghost is a little more than grumpy, he was not a nice man in real life, but you canÕt choose your father so I remember him as best I can in a good light. Truth be told, he was an evil man.

I forgot to mention to Keith that my sisters and I feel that the reason they show up here in the staircase is because of the fact that in the early 1960's before I and my sisters were born, my mother had a child from a previous marriage that lived with her and Dad who was killed in an accident falling down the stairs. Mom never liked to talk about it much. Dad was at the top of the stairs when he fell. Maybe Mom knew the truth all those years. He was an evil man.

By the way, I personally took both these pictures, and neither ghostly image was visible when I snapped the camera Š these things only happen on the film, and they only seem to happen here at the staircase, none of the other pictures we have ever taken of the house show anything like this.


Classified alien contact project revealed by Art Bell guest. Amazing story.

Leonard L. Hoboken, NJ writes:

I have had this picture for several years as you can see by the date stamp on the print. After my father passed away, we remodeled the folk's house and snapped a few pictures of the work in progress. What you can see plainly in the image is the outline and face of my father, who had passed over about 20 days before this picture was taken. There is no question it is my father, this ghost is as grumpy as he was and looks so similar.

I promised my mother, who was disturbed by this photograph for many years, that I would not share this with anyone. However, she too has recently passed on and recently, when photographing the house for sale, a similar effect was documented in photographs taken of the same area, but revealing HER spirit this time.

I am sending them to Keith the webmaster soon, as I am having second prints made. I just thought you and my fellow listeners would like to see this one of Dad, and the next one of Mom as soon as I can get it. With the holidays coming up I'll try to send it as soon as I have time. If it doesn't make the web site then I hope it makes the new CD you and Keith are putting out at the end of the year.


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