UFO Images/Photos

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Left, A saucer photo submitted by Mike Hawkins, scanned by Art Bell. Similar to two previous saucer photos he submitted years ago. Looks like the same object again. "A model?"

Right, A NYC listener, apparantly arrived a few moments later and snapped this one! (11/09/99)


[IMAGE] [IMAGE] These two photos sent a few years back, also scanned by Art from photographs provided by Mike Hawkins, Roswell NM.


[IMAGE][IMAGE] UFO images from the Arizona Republic newspaper of July 9, 1947, taken on July 7th. Discussed on the radio program on September 8, 1997, with Richard Hoagland and Francis Barwood.


[IMAGE] UFO spotted on June 4th, 1997 in Ringgold Georgia by Lee Cross. Actual photo scanned for the web by Art Bell.


[IMAGE]Submitted by Barbara Davis, a photo taken by a friend Elizabeth, on the Pacific coastline between Pacific Grove and Carmel, California on July 27, 1996 at 2 PM. One object was round and the other like a boomerang, scooting around the sky in no particular pattern. Notice the condensation trails.


[IMAGE]Recent UFO Photo in Valley, Alabama - September 16, 1996. Here are the details.


[IMAGE] Stanton Friedman talked about The Brazilian Varginha Case, on Coast to Coast. Here is the article by P.H.Andrade, translated to English entitled: Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story


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