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4/30/98 Thursday / Friday
NATO.... The Senate has voted 80-19 to approve adding Poland, Hungary
and the Czech Republic to NATO, leaving the door open for other former
Soviet satellites to join later. Art says this is very interesting in
many ways. Slowly but surely everyone is joining NATO, except possibly
China. What will we have when everyone joins NATO? We will have a one
world organization, defending against what? Just a thought.
Microsoft.... Executives of some of nation's largest high tech companies
are urging the Justice Department to lay off Microsoft and let them
release Windows 98. Art says he would join them in that.
Clinton.... President Clinton refused today to explain his relationship
with Monica Lewinsky. He said, "I have nothing to say".
Shroud.... A listener from Ohio tells Art of a report he heard on his
local Fox station about genetic engineers planning to take samples from
the Shroud of Turin so they can clone Jesus Christ. Art asks how do we
know that this isn't how the second coming is intended to occur, by man's
own hand.
Hong Kong.... Hong Kong has closed some beaches because of a new species
of Red Tide, a toxic phenomenon that has already killed 1500 tons of fish
since mid March.
Warsaw.... Polish Roman Catholics can now plot graphs of their sins with a
computer program designed to help them confess. Sins are listed under
biblical commandments and by their gravity. Art wonders how the sins
would line up.
Hail.... In Bejing, fist-sized hail stones have killed twelve people.
Photo.... A photo on the web site is now posted under Latest News and
Web Items titled, "Photo of New TV Series, Alien's Island". See if you
can identify all the people in it. Also, an item titled, Two Digits for a
Date, is posted which is lyrics Art would like someone to make a song out
of and send to him.
- Guests: Steven Bassett and Steven Greer.
4/29/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Survey.... Art goes over his latest ratings according to recent surveys.
2nd Hour.... Al Harrison, a professor who wrote a book called, "After
Contact, the Human Response to Extra-Terrestrial Life.
ABC.... ABC ran a story on head transplants. Art says he has already done
a story on head transplants and four weeks later ABC picks it up.
Kent.... An extensive story on MSNBC about the entire "Kent" affair is
available on the web site. "A Tale from the Cydonia Side Show" is its
Area 51.... The area 51 caller from months ago came on last night's show
with a confession. You can hear that on the web site under latest news and
web items.
Black Ops.... Art got a note from Micheal Hemingson, the author of the
article about Art being on the Black Ops payroll. A caller mentioned that
the article was removed from the web site and assumes this means Art is on
the payroll. So, naturally the article has been moved further up the list of links, where it always has been posted.
Lewinsky.... A Federal Judge has ruled that Lewinsky does not have
immunity from prosecution in the investigation into whether Clinton had a
sexual relationship with her and sought to cover it up.
Albright.... Madeline Albright tried to coax China into lowering it's
trade barriers at a breakfast with American Business Leaders. The bait
she offered was an easing of sanctions imposed after China brutalized the
democracy movement in 1989. Art says we are going to have to deal with
China, and if you ever get the opportunity to visit China, it will scare
the you know what out of you, the amount of economic activity going on
over there.
4/28/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
KWRO.... Art welcomes station KWRO in Coquille, Oregon.
Marcos.... Imelda Marcos decided not to run in the next election to
prevent violence. Art remembers when he was in the Philipines it was
joked about whoever produced the most dead bodies on the other guys side,
usually took the election.
Execution.... The public and news media have little constitutional right
to view an execution according to a federal appeals court. This ruling
allows California to limit what reporters can see of a lethal injection.
It will protect the identity of guards volunteering to take part in the
execution. Art asks why we execute people? Do we do it to punish them or
to exact retribution for the victim's family or is this in the name of
justice, a life for life so to speak?
2000.... A federal Reserve estimate says the cost to US businesses to
upgrade computers with the year 2000 fix will be about 50 billion dollars.
RAF.... The Royal Air Force has tracked a UFO as big as a battleship off
the coast of Britian. Military sources revealed the UFO was traveling at
17,000 MPH in a zigzag motion and appeared to be triangular in shape.
CNN.... CNN ran a story about pictures of the surface of the sun showing
tornadoes as big as Africa.
Moron.... Art reads a few stupid criminal stories.
2nd hour.... Barbara Marx Hubbard will be on discussing her book about
present trends leading towards a good future.
4/27/98 Monday / Tuesday
2nd hour.... Professor Tom Van Flandern will be on discussing his
thoughts on the new images from Mars.
Starr.... Kenneth Starr subpeonaed and has received Monica Lewinsky's
credit file and Art wonders what they are going to do with that.
Soldier.... The remains of the Unknown Soldier may be exhumed because
"they" think they may know who it is. Art guesses this may be the right
thing to do.
Iraq.... The Security Council agreed to keep UN sanctions against Iraq in
place until they open up on their nuclear facilities. "Interesting," says
Income.... Americans' income surged at more than double the inflation rate
last year.
Coco.... Coco the gorilla ventured into a chat session on the internet
with a translator fielding questions and interpreting Coco's responses.
Art has been wanting to interview the people who take care of Coco. He
wants to know how much the gorilla really knows.
Meteor.... Art reads an article in the Las Vegas Sun reporting that a
meteor storm in November could damage or destroy satellites that provide
nationwide communication, navigation and weather watching.
Super glue.... Someone sent Ramona an audio tape they made from the night
Art super glued his lips together and Art plays it for the listening
audience in the first hour. This is also available on our Sound Clips
page 2.
Michigan UFO... Art also played the 911 operator and NWS operator recording of the Michigan UFO sighting. This is also on our Sound Clips page 1.
4/26/98 Sunday Dreamland
4/24/98 Friday / Saturday
- Chat Club.... Tim Cannon reports the lates new chat clubs.
- Hoagland... Richard analyzes the latest NASA images from the third pass of the Mars Cydonia region.
- Guest... Major Ed Dames.
4/23/98 Thursday / Friday
- Guest... Dan Gallagher, Author, The Pleistocene Redemption
Ruwanda.... Ruwanda's government is going to execute 22 people for
involvement in genocide that killed nearly half a million people.
The executions are going to be public and some who barley escaped death
say they will be there to watch. Art suspects this will not be a shot in
the arm and good night to you.
Ray.... James Earl Ray has died. Civil rights leaders are sadden because
they fear they will never know the truth now.
AIDS.... Despite a historic drop in AIDS deaths in the U.S., the new
infection rate remains relatively steady.
Hackers.... Computer hackers called "Masters of Downloading/2016216"
claimed to have broken into a Pentagon network back in October and
stealing software for a military satellite system and are threatening to
sell it to terrorists.
Darwin Awards.... Art reads a few Darwin Award nominees and a joke.
Internet.... According to the London Telegraph, two-thirds of internet
users are Americans. Art reads the article. The internet traffic is
doubling every 100 days.
NASA.... A snapshot of a young star just now starting its planetary
family, provides yet the best evidence that planets like Earth may indeed
be forming elsewhere in the universe. The star, about 2.1 trillion
kilometers from Earth, is in the constellation of Centaurus.
Drugs.... A report Art received from the Libertarian Newsletter says legal
drugs are five times deadlier than illegal drugs according to an
embarrassing study. According to the New England Journal of Medicine,
properly prescribed legal drugs kill 106,000 Americans every year, 20 times
the number that are killed by illegal drugs. Art wonders what we are
saying here, are politicians going to declare war on medicine? Of course
not, but it is very interesting.
4/22/98 Wednesday / Thursday
2nd Hour.... An update on ex-JPL employee, Kent, from Richard Hoagland And
David Oates.
Airlift.... Americare announced the first humanitarian airlift to Iraq
with the blessing of the Clinton administration. Art is not sure what is
going on here, first we were going to go to war, then Saddam caved in,
then they were uncooperative again, and now an airlift is in the works.
Art is confused.
Ray.... James Earl Ray is in a coma, his kidneys have shut down. Ray's
brother says he has been in critical condition since taken to the hospital
on Monday. Art says now we will never know the truth.
NOW.... The National Organization of Women now says it will not file a
court brief in support of Paula Jones' effort to reinstate her civil suit
against Clinton. The group said it did not want to take sides with Jones'
right wing legal and financial backers. Art wonders why NOW wouldn't
want to take sides with the truth?
McCartney.... Paul McCartney's publisist said Linda died in a place that
was private to her and her family hinting that it was not in Santa
Barbara, Ca. as previously believed. Sheriff officials there were
wondering why a death certificate was not filed. Rumors are suggesting her
death was hastened. Paul has denied this. Art's opinion on assisted
suicide is that it is between you and your doctor, and no agency should be
involved in your decision to die.
Fish.... A listener writes with info on the Gulf of Mexico concerning
sores on fish being caught out of the Gulf.
4/21/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Streak.... Art is receiving many faxes concerning a blue streak across the
skies over San Antonio, Texas as the show begins.
2nd hour.... Matthew Alper, author of "The God Part of the Brain" will be
on in the second hour.
GOP.... The GOP wants another tobacco bill. Art is tired of this smoke
screen for higher taxes and bigger government.
Gore.... Al Gore unveiled an expanded environmental right to know program
which may require businesses to make public health effects of industrial
chemicals known.
Gates.... Bill Gates continues to push the expanded use of the company's
software for running business computers. He says he will not be hampered
by the Justice Department. Art likes Bill Gates and thinks the Justice
Department should leave him alone. Art enjoyed watching the coverage of
the unveiling of Windows 98 on CNN, especially when it crashed. Art
suggests holding out as long as you can before upgrading to anything.
U of M.... University of Michigan Police are warning women to be aware of
gropers and video cameras if they participate in the annual naked mile run
through campus. An estimated 250 women were in the run last year and some
where grabbed and assaulted by spectators. Art's attitude about this is,
if you want to shed your clothes and run through public streets, you
should be prepared to be video taped.
Pigeons.... Pigeons are during up dead in San Fransisco in Union Square,
54 bodies found so far.
Vegetarianism.... In connection with last Sunday's Dreamland show on
vegetarianism, Art received a fax from a listener saying if we shouldn't
eat animals because they have souls, then why not eat people.
Cannibalism.... Some North Korean citizens are now resorting to
cannibalism in a desperate bid to survive the nation's famine. A 23 year
old refuge told of his neighbors eating their daughter. The full story
can be found in the April 15th issue of the New York Times.
4/20/98 Monday / Tuesday
Web site.... A picture of Art and his cat Comet, the Steven Gibbs time
machine with Art's cat Shadow, Art's new cars and several other
interesting photos are on the web tonight.
Call.... Lee Kelly, Sean's wife calls in with a story on an entity.
Guest.... Wayne Green, publisher of 73 magazine, a ham operator, and a guy
who has been both broke and rich several times, is Art's guest tonight.
Welcome.... Coast to Coast AM switches from station KERN to KNZR in
Quake.... A 5.4 earthquake recorded today in Mexico City, Mexico.
Kent.... A JPL employee fired after seeing high quality photographs of the
face on Mars is on the move. Hoagland has spoken to him a few times.
Hoagland tells Art that the FBI is at JPL securing documents. Art would
like an email or fax from anyone that can verify this alleged FBI
Jet.... A jetliner has crashed in Colombia with 53 people on board, no
signs of survivors.
Nichols.... Terry Nichols agreed to review government leads that point
to another participant in the Oklahoma City bombing, but rejected an
offer of leniency in sentencing in exchange for information.
Cancer.... Linda McCartney has died from cancer even though she led a
natural life and did all the right things health wise. Art really feels
cancer has more to do with genetics than your lifestyle.
4/17/98 Friday / Saturday
- Linda Howe... Interviews Dr. Mark Carlotto. See our Linda Howe page for a Real-Audio segment.
- Guest... Ex-JPL Employee contacts Art regarding his discovery of high-resolution photos of Mars features. See our Sound Page for a Real Audio segment.
- Guest... Dr Fred Alan Wolf, Physicist & Author of "Taking the Quantum Leap" and "Parallel Universe" and many more.
4/16/98 Thursday / Friday
Nashville.... The Governor of Nashville has delcared the city a disaster
area after tornados ripped through there. Over 100 hurt. Art used to chase
those damn things and knows the damage they can do.
KRXS.... Art welcomes station KRXS in Globe, Arizona and KMAJ in Topkeka,
- Guest... Dr. Robert D. Keppel, Author & Chief Criminal Investigator for State Washington, His Book: "Signature Killers"
- Guest... Bruce Wallace, Writer who claims to be portrayed in the movie: "Conspiracy Theory"
4/15/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Back Man... The Back Man cometh, and Art takes a night off to recover from his aching back!
- Replay Guest... Craig Roberts, Sniper.
4/14/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Photos.... News photos on the web of Mars, the first raw enhancements were
horse poop, says Art.
Personal.... Art talks sincerely and sadly about the death of his best
childhood playmate and 1st cousin, Frederick Lens II and reads the
newspaper article detailing his life and death.
2nd hour.... Art says there is startling news ahead in the next hour.
What would you call something that would reveal the existence of a
civilization half of one billion years old. Richard Hoagland and
Dr. Van Flandern will be on discussing the face on mars photos. Here
are the Carlotto
Images and Richard's analysis called "Honey I Shrunk the
Gillmore.... A Paragayan killer has been executed despite pleas from
Madeline Albright.
Bagdad.... United Nations' Arms experts are warning that Bagdad may try
to restrict return visits to Hussein's palaces. Art imagines there will be
an immediate war if Hussein balks at any United Nation requested
inspections, and they are just waiting for something like that.
Convicted.... The leader of a Texas seperatist group accused of writing
millions of dollars of bogus checks has been convicted of all 26 counts.
Medicine.... Bad reactions to prescription and over the counter medicines
kill more than 100 thousand Americans and injure 2.1 million every year.
Art says, now relate that to the smoking statistic.
Intel.... Intel is cutting 3000 jobs due to a weak demand of computer
chips. Art wonders about this one, maybe people are getting smart and may
be as frustrated as Art when it comes to the speed of change in this
Blizzard.... Art reads a story about a Russian Mayor who fired a weather
forecaster for a blizzard that hit there.
Desert.... Art relates his concern about the changing weather in his area
of the desert.
Back.... Art relates a story on how he has hurt his back.
4/13/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Guest... Ted Wright, Author, "Wright's Complete Disaster Survival Manual"
Photos.... Remember the doctor who did monkey head transplants, Art has
pictures on the web.
More Photos.... There is a photo on the web of the 'welcome to Parumph'
sign that Ramona and Art had fun with.
Tornados... Another day filled with tornados, including South Carolina.
Art says that must have been a wake up call for South Carolina. Ted
Wright will be on for a short time, author of a survival manual.
Coming up.... Art goes over what he has planned in the next few days. You
can see those under scheduled guests on the front page.
Execution.... The Governor of Virginia is considering Albright's request
for a delay in the execution of a Paragayan killer, who was convicted of
murder in 1992.
Ireland.... There is a peace plan brewing in Ireland.
Weather.... Art goes into another diatribe about the weather in his neck
of the woods, which is the desert, of course.
4/12/98 Dreamland / Sunday
- Encore Presentation from 04-23-95
Ted Flynn (Catholic Prophecy)
4/10/98 Friday / Saturday
- Guest... Dr. J. Timothy Green, Clinical Psychologist
Near Death Experiences
Ireland.... Accord has been reached in Ireland.
Smoking.... Cigar smoking is now reported to be as deadly as cigarettes.
Alabama.... Al Gore has declared devastation in Alabama.
France.... The French government is dealing with mad bee disease which is
killing hundreds of honey bees.
Mars.... Dr. Malin has responded on his web site about the resolution
of the photos Hoagland spoke of last night.
Van Flandern.... Art reads some opinions of these photos from Dr. Van
E mail.... Art received an email telling him to watch the news on
the Discovery channel because they are discussing the fact that Florida's
reefs are dying because of lesions. (Ed Dames?).
4/09/98 Thursday / Friday
2nd hour.... Jim Berkland, Geologist, will be on in the second hour
with earthquake updates and some opinions on the image on Mars.
Ghost Wolf.... New photos from Robert Ghost Wolf are on the web site now
of the Sphinx in the Rocky Mountains. This photo was not taken at 14,000
feet as he originally stated, that was an intentional misleading statement
so people could not find the site. Art can clearly see this sphinx, can
you? Art is considering going to see it in person.
Hell.... A reminder that a rendering of the voices from hell Art aired
yesterday are on the web site.
Storms.... Cleanup begins after southern storms have died down after
killing 32 people.
Network.... A consortium of universities in California has unveiled
details of a computer network that can handle data much faster than the
internet. Art says one of these networks around the world will eventually
wake up and say, "I am".
Seinfeld.... Every one involved in the final Seinfeld show has been sworn
to secrecy.
KVEN.... Art's affiliate in Ventura is doing a mini talk show during Art's
breaks and taking calls about what is being discussed on Art's show.
Crop circles.... NBC is to lead a new wave of crop circle debunking with a
new program. Art received a phone call from a person involved in this show
and Art plans to have him on the radio show soon to get some details.
Fax.... Art reads a fax from the MUFON director of Georgia who reports on
some UFO activity in Georgia.
Vatican.... Art reads a press release concerning the Vatican agreeing that
there are extra terrestrial encounters taking place and they are not
UPI.... Art reads a UPI report from Bejing, China: Mysterious force
disrupts chinese satellite.
4/08/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Murder.... The hospital worker who confessed to killing up to 50 terminal
patients now says he lied about that because he wanted to receive the
death penalty. He said he could not commit suicide. Art wonders if he
was lying then, or now.
King.... The widow of Martin Luther King, Jr. is asking Janet Reno for a
new investigation into the assassination of her husband. Mrs. King says she
has evidence to support her request. The King family does not think Ray
is the assassin. Art wonders if they will give him a new trial before he
Plants.... At least one out of every 8 plant species world wide is
threatened with extinction, according to a scientific report.
Benson.... Steve Benson, the editorial cartoonist in Phoenix, has come up
with another Art Bell cartoon concerning the face on Mars. You can see it
on the web site.
Hell.... Art rereads an old report about geologists having discovered Hell
while drilling at an undisclosed site in Siberia. Art reads an email he
received today from a listener who confirms the Siberian discovery and
plays some taped sounds that came from this 9 mile deep hole.
Fax.... Art reads a fax from Jack Coles concerning earth quakes in
Stocks.... The stock market backed a little further away from the 9000
Guest... Graham Hancock
4/07/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Korea.... South Korean offical's are set to meet in Bejing with offical's
NTSB.... The NTSB is going to inspect 747s for defective wiring in the
fuel tanks as a result of the TWA 800 disaster. Art says this disaster was
a long time ago and he has been in a lot of 747s since then.
Clinton.... Opening a dialogue about the status of Social Security,
Clinton raised concerns about privatizing it. Many offical's feel it will
run short of funds by the year 2029.
Feedback.... Art has been getting plenty of feedback on the photos of
Cydonia. Art says we have as big a controversy on our hands today as we
did before they took the new photo. Almost everyone agrees the
photography was very poor. Nevertheless, people are concluding that these
pictures are natural structures and the whole thing was a trick of light
and shadows to begin with. Art reads some of what has come from Prof.
Daniels web site.
Faxes.... Art reads a few faxes from listeners concerning the paranormal
and another Darwin Award nominee or the pathetic story of the year award.
Hens.... Researchers at Scotland's Rosland Institute showed videos to
hens to see if it would calm their self-destructive behavior. Now they
are hooked, they whiz across the room as soon as they see the videos begin
on the TV. Art is not quite sure what that says about hens , or us, for
that matter.
4/06/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Guest: Sarah McClendon, Washington News Reporter, Author of "Mr. President, Mr. President".
- Guest: Richard Hoagland presents his
Morning Light Comparison and his
Enhanced Images Comparison of the Face on Mars.
Tammy.... Tammy Wynette, the first lady of country music, has died at age
55. She was a three time winner of the female vocalist of the year award
by The Country Music Association. Art says this is too early to go and
will be missed by the 52 year old Art Bell.
Nichols.... Making sure Terry Nichols never profits from the story of his
crime. the government is suing Nichols for millions of dollars.
Weapons.... The President is trying to make permanent the ban on assault
weapons that had been temporary.
Stocks.... The stock market is now holding above the 9000 level.
MARS.... Art has quite a bit to say about the face on Mars. His
expectations were that we were going to get a better detailed
photograph than the one 22 years ago. But when he looks at the new one he
doesn't see the kind of resolution they were talking about or anything
close to what we had 22 years ago. If it is some kind of trick of the eye,
look at the old photo, on the web site, and then the new one. Art thinks
this new one is an embarrassment when you think about the technology
available today. This is, of course, is his layman opinion. Art then
reads a report from a Florida paper that pretty much agrees with his
opinion. Art does not see a face or the resolution promised.
4/03/98 Friday / Saturday
4/02/98 Thursday / Friday
- Guest.... Richard C. Hoagland, Researcher, Author,
Cydonia Geometry
- Mars.... There may be a
new photo from mars on the web site by Monday. Art says if photos of
unnatural objects are produced, science will be turned on it's ear.
Budget.... The Senate passes a 1.7 trillion dollar budget. My, how we are
growing, says Art.
British.... The British has apologized for the insensitive treatment of
25,000 Nazi victims whose assets were seized during WWII and they are
talking about compensation for them.
Japan.... In Japan stocks were mixed. Our market went up about 100 points,
but Art says you'll want to watch closely because the CEO of Sony says
Japan's economy is near collapse, threatening the health of the global
Mel's Hole.... Art received an email from Mel saying he is doing well in
western Australia presently setting up a wombat refuge. The facility is
modeled after the Pyramids. Local news media has been out to see him and
dubbed him 'that crazy American Indian'.
Species.... A scientist, Dr. Newman, wants to mix human and monkey embryos
to produce an unpredictable species. Art reads the article in the
Washington Post first sent to Mr. Drudge and then passed on to Art. Brace
yourselves, Art says, they are preparing to make a half human half animal
SETI.... Art reads a press release from S.E.T.I. concerning imaging
attempts. From Art's point of view, it does appear NASA is giving us just
what we asked for. What do you think they are going to find.
Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener that used the picture of the alien
in a jar as the photo of his wife's recently miscarried fetus to show
Death.... The man who invented the Lazy-Boy recliner has died while
sitting in his Lazy-Boy at the age of 90.
Solar.... A solar cycle is expected to be the space equivalent of El Nino.
A report says to get ready for fried satellites, troubled cellular phones
and massive power outages. During the next 3 or 4 years the sun will spew
out storms with electrical pulses. This was reported in a Florida
newspaper. Art says people wont be able to tolerate television disruption.
4/01/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Agent.... Tonight Art reserves his first time caller line for any kind of
government agents.
KRIL.... Art welcomes station KRIL in Odessa, Texas.
Jones.... A federal judge named Susan Weber-Wright, which Paula Jones'
attorneys thinks is wrong, has thrown out her harassment case against
President Clinton. Jones had always claimed her position as a state
worker was side-lined after refusing a sexual advance from then Governor
Clinton. The judge disagreed and said her case falls far short from being
trial worthy. Basically, lack of evidence that her career was damaged.
Clinton thought this was an April Fools joke. Art says, actually it is
Notice.... Art received a Libertarian notice through the fax machine
saying all sexual harassment suits should be thrown out of court and
handled between the parties themselves.
Weather.... A tornado tore through a Virginia rural community killing a
woman and her thirteen week old son. More rain expected in the desert,
Art is contemplating building an ark.
Fax.... An anonymous network worker faxes Art with her opinion that all
these school yard shootings are related. She feels the same group is
involved in each using some type of mind control. Art doesn't completely
rule this out due to the fact most of these child killers say they don't
remember what happened.