Secrets of the Big Dogs
3/31/97 - Monday /Tuesday
- WIBX.... Welcome to a new affiliate in Utica, New York, 950 on the dial.
KTNN in Window Rock, AZ is also a new 50,000 watt affiliate. This is a Native
American reservation. WDSK in Cleveland, Mississippi, 1410 on the dial also
- Suicides.... Art continues to defend his position of having no involvement
in the deaths of 39 Heavens Gate members. He recaps the original events
concerning Chuck Schramek and Courtney Brown leading up to this tragedy. Art
suggests having a discussion on the controversy and the chronology of the events
on open lines to.
- Weather.... The weather continues to be that of "quickening"
proportions, 12 to 14 inches expected in Connecticut.
- Ted Turner.... Over the weekend Ted Turner said something to the effect
that these suicides was a kind of cleansing of the gene pool. Art says he
disagrees, he thinks these people were serious, maybe seriously misled, but
serious. Art says he could never commit suicide because he feels we are put
here to live our life and if we cut it short we will end up repeating it til you
have fulfilled your destiny. Art is pretty much a Libertarian, politically, and
feels the government has no business telling you what you can or can't do with
your life.
3/28/97 - Friday /Saturday
- Guest: Sarah McClendon, Washington Reporter (1 hour)
- Open Lines... Art accepts calls from anyone who wants to criticize him for
the whole Comet Hale-Bopp/Courtney Brown connection to Heavan's Gate issue.
3/27/97 - Thursday /Friday
- Suicides.... Art reminds us that he predicted the original news about the
suicides would change drastically, and it has. Art is going to give us the real
story to, the one the networks won't tell you. Art has been contacted by
virtually every news source, like line and Larry King. Art claims to have the
full version of the suicide note and reads it to us, or you can view it on the
webpage. Michael Linnaman joins Art to discuss his knowledge of the Heavens
Gate cult.
- Guest: Michael Lindeman (1 hour)
- Replay: Courtney Brown in the crossfire (2 hours)
- Guests: Ted Loman & Whitley Striber (last 2 hours)
3/26/97 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Suicide.... The mass suicide of 39 people at a mansion near San Diego was
the top news story and the bulk of discussion to. Info has it that they were
all members of a cult called W. W. Higher Source. Art is baffled with this one,
must have something to do with the nature of life. Art invites anyone to call
who can enlighten him with any info on this group.
- Missiles.... A story about missiles being shot at Hale-Bopp was relayed to
Art. Art doesn't understand how any missile could catch Hale-Bopp and why would
you try.
- Death Penalty.... The black leather face mask worn by a prisoner being
executed by electrocution burst into flames during the process. The Attorney
General for Florida warned criminals to stay away because they may have a
problem with the electric chair. This made Art chuckle. Art has always
maintained his feelings that a State has the right to administer the death
penalty to murderers, but doesn't necessarily have to be with electricity. Art
thinks lethal injection is sufficient.
- Cats.... Art goes off on a thread about how his cats love their little
cloth mouse toys. They just shred them.
3/25/97 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Guests: Lyn Buchanan
w/ Paul Smith and Joseph McMoneagle
3/24/97 - Monday /Tuesday
3/21/97 - Friday /Saturday
3/20/97 - Thursday /Friday
- Guest: Al Bielek, The Philadelphia Experiment, 3 Hours
- Guest: Sean David Morton, UFO Researcher, Area 51
Image, 2 Hours
3/19/97 - Wednesday /Thursday
3/18/97 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- PreGuest: The man who had the object come crashing through his roof (See
yesterdays news). He is sending Art the object for analysis.
- Guest: Renee Barnett, Strange
Universe Producer
- Rumor.... Art has a rumor that he can't actually substantiate, and that is
that J-Core has bought Rush Limbaugh. If it is true remember you heard it here
- Fr. Martin.... Father Martin cannot make his appearance Thursday due to an
- Alaska.... The trip to Alaska is almost full, so decide now. The numbers to
call are: East of the Rockies 1-800-633-2732, West 1-800-848-7120.
3/17/97 - Monday /Tuesday
- KFRE.... Art has picked up KFRE in Fresno as a new affiliate, along with
KDLM in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
- NEWS.... Clinton has decided to withdraw the nomination of Anthony Lake to
head the CIA after three days of intense Senate confirmation hearings. Art is
not surprised at all about this.
- Quake.... Art is trying to confirm whether a 3.4 quake took place in
- Summit.... There is a summit meeting coming up in Helsinki, Finland next
- Go Figure.... An angry Boris Yeltsin will meet with a wheel-chaired
President Clinton about placing NATO bases in certain countries. Art says
Yeltsin wants to be an equal partner in world affairs. But he says the problem
with that is the only real power Russia has is in their nuclear arsenal. Their
economy is non-existent, their military is deteriorating before their eyes and
their Navy is sinking, so Art says why should they have equal voice in world
- Justice Dept.... Art has an opinion that the Justice Department may be
investigating the Clinton Administration. For the record, Art says he does not
think Bill Clinton would not sell out America for campaign money to china.
- Free Time.... There is a big brouhaha going on about free broadcast time,
that broadcasters should donate time for state and local candidates. Do you go
along with that and bear in mind that broadcasters run businesses?
- Fax.... Scott agrees with Art and is sick of hearing about Clinton's knee,
and really only wants to know how much Clinton had to pay to sleep in Greg
Norman's house. This got a big chuckle out of Art.
- Story.... The Tacoma News Tribune ran a story about a couple who had
something crash through the roof of their apartment. There was a three inch
diameter hole next to the hood of their stove and a metal ball on the floor
with a one and a slash and a 2 on it. They would like to know what it is, and
Art would like them to contact him to get us more information.
- Tom.... Tom from Michigan says he can describe cloning as the splitting of
the Adam. Another big chuckle from Art.
- Gas.... There is a panel in California who want to tax you 2 cents for
every mile you drive as evidenced by your odometer. Art says they have lost
their minds if they think they are going to get away with this. People will
rebel. They can kiss his carburetor.
- Cats.... Don in Wilmington, N.C. writes to inform us he enjoys cats too and
just finished giving his two cats a bath. The problem with that is the hair
kept sticking to his tongue. Art told him to send a photo of the hair ball he
will eventually throw up.
3/14/97 - Friday /Saturday
- Guests: Rod & Randa Milliron, private rocket builders, discussing
private missions to space and rocket development.
- Clinton.... Art is disgusted by the amount of reporting of Clinton's
injured knee. He says it's disproportionate to his interest in it.
- Albania.... The U.S. is trying to get Americans out of Albania and we are
being shot at. Art says Albania is the perfect example of what anarchy would
- Arizona.... Across parts of Arizona there were UFOs sighted. The military
says it was flares.
- Mir.... A fax sent to Art from a listener tells of his being able to hear
transmissions from Mir, the last one sounding very disturbing. This supports
Art's report that their situation is dire and the mainstream media is not
reporting on it.
- FAX.... Another fax asks Art the question, how would people react if
someone died in space. What if we saw dead bodies floating around in a space
station. Art says even though we all know space is dangerous, we live in a
media centric society that would continue to foist deadly images on us, to the
point that public attitudes about space travel would be affected. Sort of like
the Rodney King beating we saw ten thousand times.
3/13/97 - Thursday /Friday
- Guest: Sean David Morton, UFO Researcher and Prophet, Entire 5 Hours
3/12/97 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Friday.... Friday Art will interview Randa and Rod who have been privately
launching rockets in the Mojave desert.
- Cloning.... Art has a couple questions concerning the cloning techniques
and the bans being placed on them. One, what actually will be banned and two,
do you believe anyone will abide by those bans. Art just refuses to believe
that our Pentagon would abide by those laws, but will expect the private sector
- Reno.... Janet Reno has thought it over on whether there should be a
special counsel to investigate the alleged campaign finance abuse on both sides.
She has decided it isn't necessary.
- Bombings.... The Atlanta bombings continue to be a mystery to the FBI and
they are seeking assistance from anybody who can help. They feel it will happen
- House.... The House should vote Thursday to decide whether to overturn
Clinton's finding that Mexico is cooperating fully with the U.S. in the drug
war. It is Art's contention the both Mexico and the U.S. be decertified. Art
says we don't have a drug war here, but a drug skirmish.
- Ohio.... Ohio continues to be threatened by water that is simply
overwhelming. Art hopes to talk to some listeners in that area to.
- Frogs.... Art has received many faxes about frogs again. One fax relates a
sound bite about frogs found that were red, white and orange separately. There
was a CNN report today about frogs in England beginning to turn albino. They
speculate it is an ozone problem. Art reminds us that Major Ed Dames said
England would show problems first and frogs would be an indicator.
- Russians.... The Russians on Mir have a problem with their oxygen systems.
Three of the four are down and they had a fire. The fire destroyed the carbon
dioxide scrubber and the Russians cannot get any supplies up to them for about a
month. They are asking NASA if the shuttle can come and get them. Art says you
won't hear about this in the mainstream press. The American on board saved the
two who were in the fire. The carbon monoxide levels are climbing every day.
The situation is very bad. Art wonders why the mainstream news is not informing
us of this.
- Cats.... Several people have sent Art an article from the Fairfield Iowan
newspaper. Art is so damn mad about this he almost didn't put this on the air.
"Brutal cat killings at Noah's Ark stun local state animal protection
groups. Bludgeoning of 20 cats, as an act of violence, during a burglary. Some
one broke into Noah's Ark to burglarize it and as an afterthought they cut up 20
cats." Art just doesn't know how to handle information like this. If Art
witnessed something like this and happened to have a gun on him, he would kill
the perpetrators, jail or not.
- Growth.... A whole bunch of 50,000 watt stations are picking up Art's show.
- Morton.... A friend of Art's, Sean David Morton, is a prophet and a
researcher and will be on the air with Art tomorrow .
3/11/97 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Guest: Dr. Fred Bell, 2 hours on time travel.
- Officers.... 5 female soldiers from the U.S. Army's Aberdeen proving
ground, are now saying they were coerced by investigators in seeking statements
that they had been raped by high ranking officers. The women now say it was
consensual sex. Art says this is a very interesting reversal here.
- Sunbathing.... A proposal to ban nude sunbathing on some Florida beaches
was nipped in the bud by lawmakers who only have turned it down because they say
it would hurt the state's tourism industry. Especially the European market, who
are more accustomed to nude sunbathing than their U.S. counterparts. Art says
"no kidding". Art was in Europe last year and he says the fashions
there was see-through dresses.
- FBI.... The FBI has seized a FAA radar tape that allegedly showed an object
speeding toward TWA Flight 800 seconds before the plane exploded. This is an AP
story. The FBI says this is baloney, nothing more than the same Internet stuff.
- Trucker's Network... Art takes calls from Truckers ONLY, during the 4th
hour to prove that he IS the Trucker's Network.
3/10/97 - Monday /Tuesday
- Guest: James Berkland, 4 hours discussing earthquake predictions.
- Picture.... A lady in Kansas has a small plaster bust of the Virgin Mary
that is reportedly crying tears of blood since December. Thousands of people
have been to see it. The photograph is on the web page. Art wonders if we are
being told something, there is a message here.
- Fax.... A listener asks Art if he has ever had his aura photographed. On
the web page is a picture of this listeners aura.
- Letter.... Photos of what may be the aurora spacecraft/aircraft that may be
causing all the sonic booms in San Diego in recent months have been sent to Art.
They are also on the web page. Art says these are very clear and incredible
- Newsletter.... To subscribe to the newsletter or get a tape of a previous
program call 1-800-917-4278.
3/7/97 - Friday /Saturday
- Guest: Alan Hale, discussing what else.... Comet Hale-Bopp.
3/6/97 - Thursday /Friday
- Kathy Kramer... Ed Dames reveals all the information he can on the air to
Kathy regarding the disappearance of her brother, Phillip Taylor. He states it
was murder, and states that Kathy should start by contacting the Ventura County
California police. Taylor admitted people he knew into his van, one of them shot
him and then drove the van to Montana. The killers then buried him near a river.
The river has since risen and fallen a few times over the grave. Ed says that
Taylor got in trouble, not related to his work. Ed will discuss other issues
that are more personal, with Kathy off the air and will be contacting the
- Ed Dames... Ed continues to discuss the upcoming demise of the earth.
Questions are thrown to Ed regarding the Amazing Randi offer, his video tapes,
his moving out of LA and other faxes. Calls are taken.
- Last Hour... One last hour of open lines, where Art also plays the complete
"Highway Men" song.
3/5/97 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Joyce Riley.... Surprise last minute guest, Capt. Riley presents compelling
evidence and testimonies from Gulf War Vets regarding untruthful statements by
General Norman Schwarzkopf.
- Alan Hale... Art explains to a caller that he will discuss with Mr. Hale
all the previous issues between them and others, get that behind them and move
onto the real issue, the comet.
- Open Lines... Then two hours of open lines.
3/4/97 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Ohio.... The Ohio river is on the rampage, many evacuations. 50 people
dead. The President was on TV talking about the weird weather, he seemed very
puzzled about the number of weather tragedies occurring. Art thinks the
officials are finally going to agree with him that the weather is changing.
- Senate.... The Senate rejected a proposed balance budget amendment to the
constitution. Art says he hasn't done much on this subject because he knew
exactly how that vote was going to go. He calls the Republican controlled
Senate, the insufficiently Republican controlled Senate.
- Marijuana.... Pre teen marijuana use has doubled.
- Hate.... Violence extremist groups have grown in number since the Oklahoma
City bombing two years ago. At least 850 groups were active in the past year,
representing a 6% rise. Art says the level of frustration out there is obviously
- Reminder.... Thursday /Friday Major Ed Dames and Kathleen Kramer will be
on the air.
- Hale-Bopp.... Art reminds us to lose a little sleep and go out to see
Hale-Bopp. [Webmaster Note: I viewed Hale-Bopp at 5AM MST in the northeast sky,
about 30-40 degrees up. Looks cool! - Keith]
- Fax.... Joe writes to say he advocates the cloning of our species but feels
it needs to be out of the hands of the government and into the hands of the
entrepreneurs. Art says the President put a ban on any federal monies being
used to clone any humans and asked private industry not to do it. Art says, too
late, its been done.
- Hawaii.... There is going to be a new Hawaiian Island, Loihi. Scientists
have been investigating this new island being formed by volcanic activity. They
have found four-legged fish and have photos. There will be a program presented
by the school of Ocean and Science technology Thursday.
- Mel's Hole.... Another listener writes in about his own bottomless hole in
Wilmington, North Carolina. He says he keeps finding things around the outside
of his hole, like refrigerators, TVs and miles and miles of fishing line. This
gives Art quite a chuckle.
- Las Vegas Sun.... There was an article in the Las Vegas Sun Tuesday
afternoon, Art wants to know if anybody in Las Vegas read it.
- Fax... A fax tells Art that a local newspaper had a story about a lady who
saw a van-sized triangular, glowing thing hovering in the sky. She supposedly
got one minute's worth of video. He will send Art the video.
- Art.... Art says a lot of people sometimes get on his case because he
specializes in the weird, etc. But he hereby accuses the mainstream media of
not doing their homework, or not being consistent. He tells us of a network
report that says breast self exams may not save lives. Art says he could go
through a mile long list of things the mainstream media tells us is good for us
and then turns around and says the opposite. Has anybody else noticed this.
3/3/97 - Monday /Tuesday
- WNIS.... Norfolk, Virginia joins the affiliates list along with WSAU in
Wausau, Wisconsin. In honor of these two new affiliates Art asks regulars to
give the new listeners a chance to get through.
- AL Gore.... Al Gore says he is innocent in the phone call controversy. Art
says "Big Deal".
- Weather.... The weather is horrible and getting worse. Arkansas is a
virtual disaster area, like Arkadelphia just disappeared. Art says it was
biblically destructive.
- Blackbeard.... Officials in North Carolina think they have found the
remains of Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's ship. Divers have recovered
artifacts including a brass bell inscribed with the year 1709, a cannon ball and
a blunder bus.
- 1st Amendment.... There was a story on 60 minutes Sunday about a publisher
which published a book called "Hit Man", along with some on building
car bombs. Of course there is a case where a man used this book to commit
terrible crimes. So 60 Minutes did it's thing by interviewing the publisher and
asking how they felt. They felt no responsibility and a judge agreed.
- Monkey Cloning.... Scientists in Oregon have succeeded in cloning monkeys.
Art is fascinated with this topic. Art is adamant that cloning will continue
- Fax.... Charles writes that we should decertify the U.S. instead of
certifying Mexico. At least Mexico arrested it's drug czar and we have never
arrested a high profile person.
- Letter.... Art received a letter from a prisoner that he found interesting.
This prisoner wrote expressing a desire to be declared a prisoner of war. He
says that he is a prisoner of the war on crime.
- Pictures.... There is a still photograph of the Chupacabra on the web page,
thanks to Derek in San Antonio, who provided Art with some video tape. Art says
there will be those who will say it is just a lizard. It doesn't look like any
lizard Art has ever seen.