In regard to the smear campaign against Mr. Bell, I feel as one
who firmly stands on the side of TRUTH, that a definite effort is
indeed underway to ultimately knock him off of the air. Please
remember what Dr. Greer said--- that the CIA has operatives in
all of the major media outlets. It would explain why allegations
are always front page inflammation, while detractions seem to be
buried in the back pages where they are easily missed.
The fact that Mr. Bell is the most listened to radio show is
secondary to the fact that he is one of a very brave few who are
trying to uncover the TRUTH about energy technologies that would
get us all off of the grid permanently, along with a great many
other TRUTHS in various other areas of science and technology.
Now that CNN is owned by the "You've Got Mail" folks, does anyone
honestly believe they will be telling the TRUTH that sorely needs
to be told?
So, as listeners of Mr. Bell, if anyone of us reads or hears
slanderous allegations against Mr. Bell, tell the rest of us
about it, so we can send an avalanche of clarity their way.
Things are much worse than they are telling us, and unless we as
a group band together, our communal procrastination will only get
us front row seats to the sixth extinction.
Kent Daniel Bentkowski
Buffalo, New York