Coast to Coast
Mike Siegel
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John Kirby Interviews

On July 10th, 1997, shortly after the Roswell 50th anniversary celebration, John Kirby plays sound clips of various interviews regarding the Roswell affair. John interviews Walter Haut, Frank Kaufmann, Dr. Jesse Marcel, Major Edwin Easley, and Col. Thomas DuBose.

We have captured them off the program tapes for your listening pleasure with your Real-Audio player.

Sound Clips

Walter Haut, Public Information Officer of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field in July 1947. He issued the famous press release that the RAAF had captured a Flying Saucer on July 8, 1947.

[OFF mic] Your background? How did you end up at Roswell Army Air Field? Your role? How did you become the public relations officer?

Real Audio: Stream (2:41)

Asked about his autonomy as public relations officer. He was reasonably autonomous, but this particular release clearly came from Col Blanchard.

[NO question on mic] Asked about his autonomy as a PR officer...

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Background about the Roswell base itself...

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[Question NOT on mic] Tell the story of how the release got issued (July 8, 1947)

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Were you privy to any additional info, attend any private meetings or see any exotic materials or bodies?

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One indicator of a special event would be increased base actitivty, so I asked Walter about that...

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Background comment: talking with intelligence officers, they have told me that when a big event takes place, they sometimes split up the participants and transfer to different locations....

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[Question OFF mic] This was a secret base used to secrecy. WHY would the base commander issue a release to the world if a disk were recovered? Why wouldn't they keep it quiet?

Real Audio: Stream (55 sec)

Frank Kaufmann, civilian in a "special unit" of government service at Roswell Army Air Field in July 1947; he was in charge of the cleanup at the impact site.

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[Off mic] What are your opinions of Col. Butch Blanchard and Major Jesse Marcel?

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[OFF mic] There were sightings at White Sands for several days before the Roswell event...true? Can you tell the story?

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[OFF mic] Tell the story after you saw blip disappear on White Sands' radar...thru your arrival at the crash site.

Real Audio: Stream (2:22)

[ON mic] Describe craft as best you can remember it. sub-question ON mic: opportunity to look inside craft? sub-question: creature shot per Corso?

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[ON mic] Compare what you saw to the Santilli film. (several quick sub-questions about creatures)

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Dr. Jesse Marcel, son of Major Jesse Marcel who was the intelligence officer at RAAF in July, 1947. Major Marcel investigated the debris site and showed the debris to his son on the night of the event.

[OFF mic] What was your background in 1947 and what are you doing today?

Real Audio: Stream (45 sec)

[OFF mic] You were 10 years old back in July, 1947 and one night, your dad woke you and your mom up to show you something. Tell the story.

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[OFF mic] Did you handle or bend any of the debris?

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[OFF mic] A recent report suggested that the characters you saw on the I-beams might have been ink characters on tape which was attached to the Mogul balloon and whose ink flowed onto the wood due to moisture. Could that be true?

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[ON mic] Mogul had foil with some type of rubberized backing. Did the debris look anything like that?

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[ON mic] Can you describe the characters in more detail? Flowers, geometrical shapes?

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[OFF mic] What happened afterward? Did people tell you not to talk about it?

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[ON mic] How did this affect your dad or your dad's career?

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Jesse Marcel Sr. telephone call to Jesse Marcel Jr. in early 80's. Jesse Sr. had just returned from his first trip back to Roswell. He went with a film crew.

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Comments heard: It was a tiring experience; he went with a film crew; high winds there caused some problems with the taping; they found the site;, winds caused sound problems; he visited their old house where he showed the debris to Jesse Jr.; the film crew took pictures of the floor where the debris was laid; although it took awhile to find the debris site, they found it. No debris out there now-- vacuumed cleaned. Talks about the house were rancher Mac Brazel used to live and where the debris was found.

Major Edwin Easley, provost marshal for the 509th bomb group at Roswell in 1947, questioned by Kevin Randle:

(Q) You were with the 509th Bomb Group? (A) Yes. (Q) I understand that you were the Provost Marshal. (A) That's Right. (Q) During July of 1947? (A) Yes. (Q) You're aware of the incident that took place in July of `47 -- the alleged crash of a flying saucer. (A) I've heard about it. (Q) Do you have any first hand knowledge of the incident? (A) I can't talk about it. (Q) Then you do have first hand knowledge. (A) I can't talk about it. (Q) Can you tell me if you were at the crash site. (A) I can't talk about it. I told you that. I've been sworn to secrecy; I can't tell you that; I'm not gonna talk about it...

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Col. Thomas DuBose, chief of staff, 8th Air Force (General Ramey's assistant):

"It was a cover story, the balloon part of it. The remnants that were taken to this location ... That part of it, was in fact a story that we were told to give to the public and the news and that was it. That was the direction that we were told. There wasn't a question about it. We were told this is the story to be given to the press and that is it and anything else to forget it."

Real Audio: Stream (44 sec)

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